I don't want to write a paper

Mar 27, 2009 19:01

or do any other school work ever again. Or be at school. Or home.

1. were you named after somebody?
Nope. Although if go back a few generations there was at least one Alexander somewhere on my dad's side.

2. when was the last time you cried?
No idea

3. do you like your handwriting?
If by "handwriting" you mean "printing" because I will NOT write in cursive except to sign things, and even then...ew. But I like the way I write because practically no one else can read it, also it looks a lot like my dad's.

4. what's your favourite meat-based dish?
No idea

5. do you have any kids?

6. if you were somebody else, would you be your friend?
Haha, fuck yeah.

7. are you ironic?

8. do you still have your tonsils?

9. would you do bungee jumping?

10. what's your favourite cereal?
Alphabits, but they don't make it anymore. Nor do they make non-whole-wheat Cocoa Puffs (which sucks ASS because they used to be awesome and now they taste like cardboard)

11. do you untie your shoes before you take them off?

13. your favourite ice cream?
cake batter, holy fucking shit.

14. what do you notice first about other people?
That they exist.

15. red or pink?
I love red, I hate pink.

16. what do you dislike the most about yourself?
Hell if I know.

17. what do you miss the most?
Spock's house (and accompanying Spock, Toast, Travis, Trixie, Randy, Tea... ). Manual. ...4th grade? X-Files being on SciFi at 4! A lot of things on TV, actually.

18. would you like everybody to answer these questions?
No, find something better to do with your time.

19. what's the colour of your trousers and shoes right now?
Khaki...is that how you spell it? and black

21. what are you listening to?
students making various eating/typing/studying/cellphone noises

22. if you were a coloured pencil, what colour would you be?
bright electric blue

23. favourite perfume?
I hate it all.

24. who was the last person you talked to on the phone?
my dad

25. do you like the person that send you this meme?
it wasn't sent, I stole it from Charlie

26. favourite sport to watch?

27. your hair colour?

28. eye colour?

29. do you wear contact lenses?

30. favourite food?

31. horror movies or happy endings?
happy endings

32. last movie you watched?
I'm pretty sure it was Kiss Kiss Bang Bang

33. colour of your shirt?

34. summer or winter?

35. hugs or kisses?

37. who's most likely to fill this out?
I'm not sending it/tagging

38. who's less likely to?
see above

39. what book are you reading?
I'm not reading anything aside from textbooks.

40. what's on your mouse pad?
I don't really use it, but I have one of Great American Ballpark in Cincinnati

41. what did you watch on tv last night?
I didn't get near a TV last night.

42. your favourite sounds?
I don't know.

43. rolling stones or beatles?
Why isn't anything in these questions capitalized? Also, this one is fucking horrible. I suppose I have to say The Rolling Stones, though I do love The Beatles as well.

44. place you visited that is most distant from home
Ummm, probably New York or Orlando.

45. do you have a special talent?

46. where were you born?

47. who do you really hope will do this meme?
No one

48. how did you met your partner?
In crime? The internet!


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