All From The Shoebox Project, as I have temporarily left off my FA reading. (that's going to be such a mess by the time I get back! AHH!!!)
-Albus Dumbledore has an uncanny habit of appearing for the tail ends of the bawdiest conversations, or manages to be standing just behind you the minute you mention his name.
-"Moo ha ha ha ha ha ha." (Sirius' laugh during ghost story time, Halloween '75)
-(Sirius tells that one scary story about the girl and her dog and the dripdrip in the bathtub, that "humans can lick too" one) "You know, Pads, at first I thought the dog was your little avatar in this story, but now I'm starting to think that maybe you're the murderer."
"I am not! Good God, Moony, what are you insinuating?"
"You're just--also inordinately fond of licking people. You are, you know!"
"Not helpless sixteen year old girls! -- Well, actually. But not while pretending to be a dog! --Well, actually--"
-"Don't be ridiculous, Moony," Sirius says haughtily. "You can't murder a book. Even I know that." He licks his lips and flashes a grin. "But you know what you can do with a book, what you can do is burn it, or throw it out a window, or draw, mm, big hairy moustaches on all the ancient illustrations, and blacken the teeth of the women and children, and--"
"Oh God, don't," Remus yelps. He eyes Sirius balefully. "It's like talking about drowning babies. You are a terrible person." (that Remus right there, that's Rita all the way)
I IMPORE you ALL to go read The Shoebox Project!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!