Title: All depending on the weather, I'll be back by December...
Characters/Pairings: Alex and Meredith friendship (moments of Derek, Mark and Izzie).
Word Count: 5700
Rating: PG
Spoilers: Season six finale. Just for something new.
Summary: He checks himself out against medical advice exactly six days earlier than the discharge estimate the Seattle Presbyterian cardiothoracic attending had given him as a guide. A post finale fic with a little ray of hope at the end.
Author's Note: So. Not gonna lie. This is totally my dream scenario. If this happens on the show I'll die happy no matter what the rest of my life has in store for me. Unfortunately, I know it's not gonna... happen on the show that is...
Oh well. Enjoy!
She imagine having no blood might feel a little something like having blood that's been frozen to stone...