Керри призывает Россию ввести войска на Украину
Госсекретарь США Джон Керри в Лондоне дал ряд рекомендаций как остановить кризис на востоке Украины. Судя по заявлению Керри, без ввода российских военных на территорию Украины ситуацию уже не исправить.
Yesterday, US Secretary of state John Kerry in London gave a number of recommendations as to leave the crisis in the East of Ukraine. According to Kerry, without entering the Russian military on the territory of Ukraine the situation cannot be corrected.
Kerry said that Russia would suffer in the event of disruption of its supporters elections in Ukraine. He expressed confidence that Moscow will make Pro-Russian activists to work as part of the process.
Thus Kerry admits that in Ukraine there are separatists that require changes to the policy of official Kiev. Due to the fact that the ATO has led to opposite results, increasing the number of opponents of the Kiev authorities - the new government could not cope with the protests in the East nor power, nor by diplomatic means.
Recognize the failure of Kerry can't, because the US supports the current government. Therefore there is an urgent need to shift the responsibility for the unrest in the East, on the third side. In the current situation, this is Russia.
Although persuasion or recommendations of the Kremlin do not affect the behavior of Pro-Russian activists East. A striking confirmation of recommendation Vladimir Putin to postpone the referendum on may 11 at a later date and the reaction of the separatists to this recommendation.
But how to get the separatists to work "within the framework of the process", if they do not respond to requests and recommendations? Only by force. Therefore, we can confidently say that Kerry is trying by all means to push Russia to send troops to the Eastern regions. In this situation, the reason does not matter, the main thing is that troops crossed the border.
It is not excluded that in this way, Washington will try to aggravate already tense relations between Kiev and Moscow and get a reason for imposing new sanctions.