Fic (rp): Alex/Olivia (SVU) Beautiful Disaster chapter 8/31

Jan 14, 2009 21:35

Title: Beautiful Disaster (8/31)
Authors: smartyshortie  (Alex) and trixter21 (Olivia)
Fandom: SVU
Pairing: Alex/Olivia
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: We do not own them no matter how much we wish we did XD
Spoilers: Well...y'know what? If you don't know what happens...I suggest you open a book. Read a news article. What the amazing movie, even, for Pete's sake. Why? Because everyone knows what happened on the Titanic. >.> If you don't...then I feel really, really sorry for your neglected, poorly-informed self. XD 
Summary: "Maybe you're supposed to be here, on this ship, Alex. Maybe life was supposed to be this way. For all intents and purposes--God's good timing, fate, the grand scheme of things." AU A/O Titanic RP awesomeness.
A/N: See this post for everything you need to know about this fic. It is highly recommended that you read it to better understand everything that is going on.
A/N 2: You do not need to join the comm to read the fic or to know when we update. All updates will be posted to a/o lovers, P&P and our own private journals

Note: guys seriously have to start commenting. We're disheartened. =( *sobs* Is it because you don't love us? *Sobs harder*

Ah, well, they say true love conquers all....

Chapter 8

length: ep!fic, author: smartyshortie, title: beautiful disaster, rating: pg-13, author: trixter21

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