Title: Beautiful Disaster (5/31)
smartyshortie (Alex) and
trixter21 (Olivia)
Fandom: SVU
Pairing: Alex/Olivia
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: Unfortunately, we do not own them.
Spoilers: I really hope you know what happens to Titanic or you are going to get one hell of a surprise XD
A/N: See
this post for everything you need to know about this fic. It is highly recommended that you read it to better understand everything that is going on.
A/N 2: You do not need to join the comm to read the fic or to know when we update. All updates will be posted to a/o lovers, P&P and our own private journals
A/N 3: Sorry for the long delay between posts, but we figured with the holiday, it would be wise to just wait for a bit before posting again. So now, without further ado, we are back with chapter 5!
You are one hell of a woman Liv.