I have never written anything in my life before, but I watched 'Loss' last night for the very first time ever. And it really moved me. ('darholland' knows what I'm trying to say). And I felt compelled to write something. And this is it.
Not sure what the protocol is for posting such things because I'm relatively new to everything
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Nice to speak to you again and thankyou for the 'WOW'. I'm kind of tickled pink that this would be read at all.
Not sure if I'm up to writing, in general, but thankyou for your vote of confidence. I felt very moved to write this. I sort of feel that I've purged myself a little. I had all these thoughts and feelings buzzing around in my head and they wouldn't quieten down until I'd put something on paper. And believe me I have never been remotely driven to express myself in this way before.
Laying yourself open publicly for a possible pasting would not normally be my idea of fun and the fact that I have done so is a testament to how the this episode has made me feel. On a very personal level it's telling me not to piss around, not to let anything worth going after get away because life is just too short. And what you might think you have forever to decide or act upon could be ripped away in an instant.
Sorry, getting a bit deep here, but in a way, what I and you see as Liv's pain could also be my own or anyone else's pain. Sort of universal angst!!! 'Cos we've all been in situations where we've hesitated to act and then the moment is gone and then you have to live with the consequences of your inaction. I think it's called Life, ha ha and we all know that that can suck sometimes.
On a lighter note, if I ever get the urge to purge myself again you will be one of the first to know!!!
LoL from one Oldie to Another x x x x
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