You're Not Alone (Chapters 24-28)

Aug 03, 2007 19:26

Here are a few more chapters.

Title: You’re Not Alone
Summary: This is set right after the episode ‘Guilt’. Alex has just left Liz Donnelly’s office, where she was told that she’s been suspended for 30 days with no pay for her unprofessional behavior.
Disclaimer: I don’t own Law and Order SVU or these characters, but I wish I did.

Chapter 24

“And now it’s down to two.” Thomas said as he moved forward. His gun was purposefully trained on Olivia.

“That’s right Thomas, it’s just the two of us. What’s the next step in your plan?”
“You want me to tell you what I have planned for you?” He smiled. “Everything you could possibly imagine, is what I have in store for you, detective.”

Olivia grimaced at his confidence while slowly moving towards the water at the edge of the path.

“Are you planning to swim?” Thomas asked.

Olivia stopped moving and looked at him. “I was thinking about it.” She replied honestly.

Thomas laughed and waved his gun. “You wouldn’t get too far.”

“I know.”

Thomas was now directly in front of Olivia. “I think it’s time for us to go, Detective Benson. I’m sure your friends aren’t too far away.”

“You can’t do whatever it is you have planned for me here?” Olivia said, trying to stall.

Thomas moved quickly and grabbed Olivia’s hair, moving her in front of him. “Oh no detective, there are tools that I’ll be needing for this.” He locked his arm around Olivia’s throat and pushed his gun into her back. “How does it feel to be over powered Olivia?”

Olivia tried to pull in a full breath, but couldn’t. Thomas began pushing her forward. “It seems your luck has finally run out detective, which is sad since you just started a new romance.”

Olivia stopped when she realized he was talking about Alex. She struggled against his hold, finally stomping her foot down on his. She pulled away as his grip loosened, but was not quick enough. The butt of his gun came down on the side of her head, making her black out.

“You’re secrets aren’t so secret.” He said as he lifted her off the ground and carried her to the car he had parked near by.

Chapter 25

Maureen jumped into her father’s arms before he even saw her.

“Oh, thank god!” Elliot exclaimed, holding his daughter tightly.

“Where’s Liv?” Alex asked from behind them.

Maureen pulled away from her father and looked at Alex. “She stayed with him, she told me to get away.”

“Sweetie, can you tell me where you left her?” Elliot asked.

“We were at the end of the path, by the edge of the lake. He took her guns dad.”

Fin put his hand on Alex’s back as she took a deep breath. “Can you find her on the transmitter?” Fin asked Munch.

“Something’s interfering.” Munch said handing the transmitter to Alex so he could reach into his pocket for his cell phone.

Cragen pulled his gun, “let’s go after them then. We won’t accomplish anything standing here.”

When Alex began to run with them, Cragen stopped. “You need to stay here, Alex. Go with Elliot and Maureen to the hospital, we’ll call you when we know anything.”

“You’ve got to be kidding me.” Alex exclaimed. “I can help.”

Cragen knew he wasn’t going to stop her. “You stay behind us, if we find them you are not to get involved.”

Alex nodded and followed the running detectives. She wasn’t about to lose Olivia.

Chapter 26

Her head was throbbing when she opened her eyes to see the dungy basement that she was tied up in. Olivia turned her head as far as she could to both sides, trying to see her surroundings. ‘Boy have I gotten myself into a mess.’ She thought.

The only light in the small cold room filtered through a dirty window that looked like it hadn’t been opened in years.

“Trying to find a way out?” Thomas asked from directly behind her.

Olivia cringed as his fingers ran through her short hair. “Where have you brought me?” Olivia asked.

Thomas began to move his hands lower, kneading her neck then shoulders. “The basement of Maureen’s little friend, of course. What better place to ruin you than the place where this all started.”

Olivia started to turn her head toward him, but stopped when his hand began to move down her chest. “That’s pretty clever Thomas.”

“Isn’t it though.” He said smugly. “And since you’re the smartest one out of the bunch, I have all night to do what I want with you.”
She moved her hands against the rope that bound her hands, hoping that it might be loose enough to work free. “And what exactly do you want to do to me?” She asked, not really wanting to know.

Thomas walked around Olivia to stand in front of her. He kneeled down in front of her and brushed his hand over her cheek. “Well, I’m sure your victims would appreciate it if you were able to better identify with what they have gone through.” He said as he continued to stroke her face. “Plus, I really want to hear you scream.”

Chapter 27

Back at the precinct everyone was going through every possible lead trying to find Olivia. Alex was unable to take the chaotic mess of the squad room, so she left to be alone. Taking Olivia’s squad car keys from her pocket, she opened the door to Olivia’s car and sat in the drivers seat. The car smelled like Olivia and Elliot.

“Where are you, Liv?” Alex asked aloud. Spotting one of Olivia’s sweaters in the back seat, she reached back to grab it and pulled it into her lap. She pulled off her jacket so she could put on the sweater and have Olivia close to her. The loud squawk from her jacket made her jump.

After rooting around through her pockets for a few minutes she found the GPS transmitter that was making the annoying noise. “What the heck.” It took Alex a minute, but she finally realized that the transmitter was telling her where Olivia was. “Oh my God!”

Alex turned the key that she had placed in the ignition and started the car while she dialed Munch.


“I know where she is.” Alex said quickly as she pulled out of the garage.

“Alex? What are you talking about?” Munch asked.

“The transmitter came on while I was sitting in Olivia’s car. I know where she is.”

“Where are you?”

“I’m on my way to her location. She’s at 4876 Hillside Ave., Queens.” Alex said, reading from the GPS monitor.

“Wait Alex, you can’t go there by yourself.” Munch said as he waved Cragen and Fin over to his desk.

“Then get your ass’s in gear and get there!” Alex said as she hung up the phone.
With both hands on the steering wheel and the squad car lights blazing, Alex floored it to Queens.

Chapter 28

Olivia lay on the floor nude, struggling to defend herself from Thomas. She knew bones had been broken, but she wouldn’t allow herself to give up.

“You shouldn’t have questioned my ability, Olivia. Now here you are barely able to stand up, and what for, huh? So that your precious partner would get his daughter back unharmed. That definitely was not a smart decision on your part.”

Olivia coughed as she tried to prop herself up against the wall, the pain in her ribs increasing. She thought that she could use the wall to lift herself to her feet, possibly giving herself the leverage to fight back.

“I made the right choice.” Olivia said through a struggled breath.

Thomas picked up the chair that Olivia had been tied to and threw it at her, making her scream out in pain. “You definitely made the right choice for me.”


Alex heard Olivia’s scream as she crept through the dark house. She had never heard a scream like that before, and it hurt her to hear it now, coming from Olivia.

Alex clutched at the baton that she had removed from the squad car’s trunk and moved in the direction of the noise. She was a little disoriented by the lack of light, but soon found herself on her way to the basement.

‘Hold on Liv.’ She thought as she made her way down the staircase. She stopped when she saw his shadow and purchased herself for the next move. Olivia was lying on the ground, hands up in a defensive position, and he was charging toward her.

Without a second thought Alex lunged, tackling Thomas to the ground. Raising the baton above her head she hit him, trying to keep him at bay until the other detectives got there.

“Drop the weapon.” Thomas screamed as he pulled his gun from his waist.

Alex didn’t listen, she just stood there, baton ready to strike if he advanced.

Thomas pulled the trigger, shooting a spot just to the side of where Alex stood. “I said, drop the damn weapon.”

This time Alex listened, dropping the baton next to her foot.

“Now kick it over to me.”

Wanting to do as he said, but not wanting to give him a second weapon, Alex kicked the baton under the staircase.

Thomas advanced, backing Alex into a wall until there was nowhere else for her to go. “You’re going to be sorry you did that bitch.” He said as he pointed the gun at her leg.

“No!” Olivia yelled. She threw herself on top of Alex, taking her with her onto the floor, all the while keeping her body on top of Alex’s in order to protect her.

Alex shook beneath her, adrenaline pumping through her system.

“Not smart detective.” Thomas said as he kicked her in the side. He continued to kick her, making her cries of pain more and more frequent.

Alex could feel the shock of each kick as Thomas’s foot hit Olivia, but Olivia would not let her move.

“Stop!” A man’s voice shouted from the staircase.

Thomas turned and knew his time with Olivia was over.

“Put down your weapon.” Fin said.

Olivia moved slightly, able to see that Munch, Fin, and Cragen had entered the small basement.

“Drop the gun, Thomas.” Fin repeated.

With Olivia’s weight shifted off of her, Alex moved so she could put her arms around Olivia.

“There’s nowhere for you to go Mr. Winston. I suggest that you drop your weapon.” Cragen said, trying to keep Thomas calm.

Thomas glanced at Olivia, who was now sitting up with Alex behind her, supporting her. “I’m not done with her yet.” He said softly.

“Yes you are, drop your gun.”

Before anyone could move Thomas screamed, turn his gun on Olivia, and pulled the trigger.

Munch, Fin, and Cragen fired in unison, killing Thomas instantly.

“Liv? Liv, sweetie, stay with me.” Alex said as she pressed her hands to the wound on Olivia’s side.

Munch, Fin, and Cragen ran towards them as other police personnel ran down the stairs.

“Get the paramedics down here.” Cragen barked, falling next to Olivia’s body.

Fin removed his coat, placing it over Olivia’s lower half to keep her nude body from the view of everyone else in the room.

Olivia put her hand on Alex’s arm. “Liv?” Alex said, looking down at her fallen detective.

“I’m so sorry.” Olivia whispered.

“Don’t apologize sweetheart, you’re going to be ok.” Alex said as a tear fell from her eye. “I promise, you’re going to wake up tomorrow and I’m going to be sitting right there next to you.”

Olivia’s eyes closed and her grip on Alex loosened. “I love you, Alex.”

Cragen looked away, not able to watch Olivia fade away. “Where are those damn paramedics?” He yelled to an officer who was standing close to the stairs.

“They’re on their way down sir.”

Cragen turned back to Olivia and Alex. Alex was now openly crying.

Fin crouched down by Olivia’s head and pressed his hand to her cheek. “Come on Liv, you gotta open your eyes. We need you to focus on something, anything.”

They kept talking to her as the paramedics loaded her onto a gurney and worked on her wound. All of them prayed that Olivia would survive the night.

length: long, title: you're not alone, rating: pg-13, author: politicalthry88

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