M2ME 14, Rated M, Earthangie

Jun 24, 2007 13:01

Music to My Ears
Rated: M (language)

Notes: had to cut the chapter in half cus it was too long. if you're wondering why this is shorter. you'll see when i post 15 next. :)

On their walk back from court, they made it halfway through the woods when Alex's cell phone began to ring wildly. She was mid-sentence, talking about how her parents had just left for another 'business' trip and that if there were further problems, to just call. They had every faith in Alex's 'Uncle' Joey. Who Olivia decided must've not really been anyone's uncle at all. The brunette looked up to see the sun disappear behind dark, black clouds.

Alex pulled the phone out of her pocket and looked at the number. She took the call with a business-like sense.

"Yes. Of course... Wait, what?" Olivia stopped walking and held out her arm to stop the blonde. "No," the blonde said quietly. "Mother, we-." She took the phone away from her ear without saying goodbye and clicked it off.

"What?" Olivia waited.

"They want to leave," the blonde answered in shock.

"What do you mean?"

"They've done this to me before... They want to leave Buffalo. They say too many people know about this and... Who cares? Who cares why?" She looked up at the sky to will her tears back behind her eyes. "I have no choice."

"It's okay," Olivia said out of habit. She really felt like a brick had been heaved at her chest.

The phone rang again and startled them both. The blonde looked down at it and her face dropped and she rejected the call.

"Let's go," she offered and turned to walk.

"Was that your mother? Maybe you should have taken it," The brunette poised an innocent question.

"It was no one," the blonde answered, stuffing the phone back in her pocket. "We've got another twenty minutes ahead."

"We could've got a ride from town. Then we wouldn't have been walking all day," Olivia pointed out.

"I like the walk," she answered, forcing a smile. The phone rang again, refusing to be ignored. The blonde's porcelain face turned angry. "Goddamn!"

Olivia watched her pull it out, unable to resist the caller ID. She hadn't heard Alex swear since she met, so she was a little shocked. Nosy, she leaned forward and saw the flashing name on the screen. Jared.

"Jared?" She asked cautiously. She didn't want to know but she wasn't about to be a dishonest person either. If Alex was seeing this boy, as far as Olivia was concerned, Alex was off limits.

"He's no one," she lied. "He's just a friend," she lied even more terribly.

"Come on... Don't lie to me," Olivia asked gently.

"He's..." Alex stopped and watched the phone click off and a beep for a voicemail.

"Your boyfriend," Olivia finished. Alex was silent. "I see." The brunette turned away and the younger girl looked up at her worried.

"Are you angry?" She asked softly.

"I didn't do anything wrong," she answered honestly. "Go see him."

"But," Alex took a step foreword but Olivia moved back.

"Go see him. He obliviously needs to talk to you. Why wouldn't he? You're his girl..." Olivia was hurt. She hadn't pursued Alex, although her feelings for the blonde were very real. Alex had inniciated what Olivia hoped could be something great. One cell phone tune threw it all away for her. She was disappointed that Alex would be someone who was so careless with people's emotions. She hadn't hurt Olivia, until Olivia realized she was indirectly hurting someone else. The brunette was serious about her honesty and loyalty. She couldn't afford anything else in her life at this point.

"Let me just come back with you," Alex offered, pretending it was no big deal.

"No. You need to go take care of business," Olivia looked at her for a moment with an apologetic look and turned, heading for her little shack. Alex's footsteps did not follow.

Olivia felt like she was only feet away when she started to feel rain drops on her head.

"Fucking super," she cussed at the sky.

When the rain drops began to fall faster and grow larger in size, she decided it was time to shed the blazer and use it as an umbrella. She didn't even want to begin to guess how much the suit cost but she did figure, it wouldn't be missed or noticed missing by the owner anytime soon.

The smell of the wet earth and fresh soil filled her nose. She made her way through the brush and the rain was loud, hard and unforgiving. "Perfect timing for a monsoon," she yelled up at the sky. "Are you trying to tell me something?" The shack was just up ahead.

"Fucking goddamn it!!" She screamed and threw the blazer on to a near by bush. "What did I do? What the fuck did I do to deserve this life?" She screamed up at the sky, water encasing her face. She spit it out and shook her head. Tears blended in with the shower. "This is NOT okay to do to people!"


Meanwhile, Alex stood and watched until the brunette walked out of sight. She felt the rain begin to fall. At first she didn't mind but as it grew harder, the sky became darker and thunder rolled over her head.

"I'm sorry," she said to no one. Lightning struck off in the distance and startled her out of her thoughts. "Olivia!" She called to an empty forest. When no answer came, she took off in the direction of her friend.

title: music to my ears, length: ep!fic, artist: earthangie, rating: r

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