Pairing: A/O
Rating: still pg-13 i guess
Spoilers: none
Hey everyone, here is chapter 4. Sorry for the slight delay, but it is about twice as long as usual...Enjoy!
AN: I know Mac hasn't been seen in much of this but i promise she will have a larger roll later, and I know I kind of skimmed the case part of this fic..but hopefully I'll get into more detail in the trial.
Disclaimer: Still don't own them...if I did there would be more seasons of JAG on DVD right now!
Turf, Chapter 4
"He was flirting with you, the cocky military bastard was flirting with you," Alex grumbled as she pulled off the clothes she had been wearing all day. Olivia slipped up behind her and wrapped her arms around her girlfriend's slim waist and rested her face in her neck.
"You worry too much. I have to work with him and he's a nice guy, it’s the same as it is with any of the guys in the squad."
"Yeah, except they don't flirt with you." Alex balled up her shirt and threw it into the laundry basket with more force than was technically necessary, made her way out of Olivia's arms and over to the dresser to rummage for something to wear.
Olivia turned to lean against the wall with arms loosely crossed as she appraised her lover and mused out loud, "well actually Munch flirts with me constantly…so does Elliot…and yeah, so does Fin."
Alex turned to glare at her, "Its not the same."
"And why not?" Olivia pushed herself back off the wall and made her way towards her girlfriend once again. Alex's arms found themselves placed on Olivia's shoulders once she was close enough, she knew this was a battle she would lose, and replied with a playful grin, "Because they know you're mine."
Olivia leaned in to kiss the other woman but before their lips touched she said, "and you don't have to worry, because I am 100 percent yours."
Any reply Alex could have made was stopped by Olivia's lips.
As the sun rose over the already bustling city, Alex gazed over at the woman lying beside her. They had been together for three and a half years now, living together for two and a half of those, and she still loved to just stare at her. Olivia had been growing out her hair lately, she had never told Alex exactly why, but she figured that it had to do with their relationship. Alex was okay with her friends and the squad knowing about their relationship but it was not something felt she needed to scream from the top of the Empire State Building. As her fingers played with the almost shoulder length strands of hair she got the feeling that Olivia had done this to allow her to feel more comfortable in public. But maybe she was just being egotistical. Whatever the reasoning, Alex had to admit the length was working for her girlfriend.
An hour later both women were racing to leave the apartment. They really needed to work on actually getting out of bed in the mornings.
Harm looked at the squad as he and Mac walked through the doors of the SVU, "Hey, good news everyone. I had one of the other lawyers over at JAG headquarters run the duty stations for all three women during the past year and there was one name in common with all of them, Petty Officer 2nd Class Brian Walsh, currently on leave in New York City."
The detectives looked at each other and in an instant Elliot and Olivia were up and heading out the doors with the JAG officers not far behind.
Getting the warrant to pick up PO Walsh was not that difficult, but finding him was a bit tricky. A couple hours, and a too long foot chase later Petty Officer Walsh found himself in one of the SVU interrogation rooms repeatedly stating that he had done nothing wrong and the visiting attorneys were on the phone with their admiral, finding out what they were to do.
When Alex entered the squad an hour later she found Harm sitting next to the Petty Officer, with Olivia and Elliot glaring at the suspect from across the table and Colonel Mackenzie glaring at him through the glass.
"Petty Officer, as of right now we have three dead Naval officers on our hands and you're the only link we can find between them, so unless you can give us a damn good alibi we have some talking to do," Olivia stated as she stared across the table, head slightly tilted.
"I don't know anything about those three murdered women and I have a pretty boring life, mostly I'm just home in my apartment relaxing." His face was as blank as a slate the entire time he was talking.
"Who said the murdered officers were women?" Elliot glared at the man.
"The newspaper, the evening news."
"One thing I don't understand, what would have possessed you to kill these three women. Did they turn you down? Maybe you didn't like them ordering you around?" Olivia said innocently.
"I told you I didn't kill them!" Walsh bolted up from his chair, knocking it to the ground in the process.
Elliot glanced at his partner, "Wow, looks like our boy has a temper."
"You little bitch, you think you know everything, but you don't and neither did they."
"I would advise you not to say anything else Petty Officer," Harm warned. 'I think we're done here."
As Walsh was lead to lock up, the crew, besides Harm who was talking with his newly appointed client, set forth trying to find anything that could tie him concretely to the murders, and by quitting time they were all ready to relax.
Mac watched as Olivia and Alex conversed in the corner of the squad room. One thing she had noticed about Detective Benson was that her smile was always sardonic and self-deprecating; like she knew she could never be happy. That changed when she saw the blonde; then her smile reached her eyes. Harm didn't stand a chance. As they packed up for the night, she turned to Elliot, "So, how long have those two been together?"
Elliot did a double take and then tried to quickly cover his reaction, "I have no idea what you’re talking about."
"Olivia and Alex, how long have they been together?" Her passive expression was starting to fade and she was trying not to smile. She would break him eventually.
Elliot looked at the woman beside him, after a short staring contest he broke, "three and a half years, but if you tell them I told you I am dead."
As he spoke Macs grin got wider, "then why did you tell Harm that Olivia was single."
"I never said she was single. He asked if she had a boyfriend and I said no. I never lied."
"A technicality detective."
"Isn't that what you people live for Councilor? Come on, I'll give you a lift to the restaurant." Then after a moment, "Are you going to tell him?"
"Nah, it's much more fun this way." Elliot laughed.
As they made to leave the squad room Mac turned to look at her partner, "We're headed to the restaurant, you coming?"
Harm looked over at her and Elliot and then turned to glance at Olivia, "Nah, I think I'll just catch a ride with Detective Benson."
Mac spared Elliot a glance and smirked, "Suit yourself, we'll see you in a few."
As they started to leave the building Harm asked Olivia about a file he needed for the case, "Oh, I must have left the file in my apartment this morning, why don't we just swing by there on the way to dinner?" Olivia looked over at Harm; and couldn't believe she had been so forgetful this morning. She would have to remember to chastise Alex for that later.
Olivia led the Commander out of the building and over to her car. When they reached the apartment Harm wandered over to look at at the photographs peppering the shelves, while Olivia searched for the allusive file, he could not believe how much he was falling for this woman. Before he could get passed the photos of Olivia with the squad and a picture of her and the uptight ADA, what could only be described as a blonde tornado whipped through the door and dashed into the bedroom.
Harm tried not to listen to the rustling clothes and women talking in the bedroom, but you couldn't blame the man for being curious. Just then both women emerged from the room and Harm finally noticed that the other woman was ADA Cabot. She was talking as she walked, "You know how my mother is, but I promise I'll talk to her tonight at dinner."
She stopped and turned around as she pulled on her coat and Harm's eyes bugged out of his head as she leaned in to kiss the detective on the lips. Feeling slightly uncomfortable he cleared his throat and Alex jumped as she finally noticed there was someone else in the room.
"Ummm, Commander hello, it's nice to see you again. What are you doing here?" Then she turned to Olivia, "What is he doing here?"
"I forgot a file, so we stopped by to pick it up on our way to meeting everyone for dinner."
"Oh…well I have to go…I'll see you later." With that a still slightly embarrassed Alex walked out the door leaving the detective and commander alone once again.
"Umm…I'll be right back." Olivia returned to the bedroom and Harm, with an absent nod, turned back to face the photographs. That was when he noticed that the majority of the pictures featured only Olivia and Alex. He had not seen that one coming.