Animal - Intro

Aug 31, 2010 09:34

Title: Animal

Fandom: BtVS, Law & Order SVU & Dexter

Pairing: Buffy/Willow & Alex/Olivia

Rating: R - for language

Disclaimer: Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Dexter and Law & Order SVU do not belong to me, nor do the characters contained herein, ‘cept for the original ones, like Jimmy, he’s all mine and no one else can have him. This is for fun, not money…suing is bad and provokes the wheel of Karma in a negative fashion…

Author’s Note: This is part of the One Last Shot A.U. I need to get this out of the way quickly. First of all, I try my best to back fill information from the previous two stories. I don’t think it’s wholly necessary that you read 1. One Last Shot or 2. Dark Passenger first, although it may help. Second, there’s a loose pattern to the scene shifts as they switch POV from character to character…I’ve been told that it can be a bit distracting, tough cookies on my end. I’ve no interest in going back to change an 89K + word story. If you pay attention and know the characters, it should click during or right after the first paragraph. The pattern goes BtVS character - SVU character - BtVS character. Third, thank you to my long suffering beta, Dirk. The poor bastard has to put up with my awful spelling. Although, the mistakes that we didn’t catch are all my own. Lastly, read and enjoy, comments are unnecessary, but welcome if you feel so inclined.

Side note. Dialogue in italics are internal dialogue i.e. telepathy between characters.

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