(no subject)

Feb 18, 2009 22:41

Ok this is my first time acutally posting someting other than a question. I had to right this drabble after seeing the picture and reading someones comment on it. It was driving me crazy. So here it is be kind as it is my first. All mistakes are mine. And thanks smartyshortie for all the help! And I still dont think i did it right.

Title:Last Night Soo did not happen
Rating: PG-13??

This is the picture that started it all!   

They stood there on of the steps of the brownstone not speaking and lost in their own thoughts. That was until Olivia broke the silence.

“So about last night…”

“What about it Liv?”

“We gonna pretend it never happened?”

Alex mumble something under her breath that Olivia couldn’t quite make out.

“What was that Alex?”

“Nothing Liv don’t worry bout it”

“Come on Alex, I know you, there’s something you’re not telling me.”

“Drop it Liv, please.”

“No! Why do want to act like last didn’t happen?”

“Cause Olivia, I’m trying to forget it did happen”

“ Ouch Alex that hurts” Olivia eyes started filling with tears.

“Oh come on Liv your not crying are you? What the hell happened to you?”

“Well sorry Alex” Olivia was crying outright now

“Jesus Christ Liv, are you kidding me?” Alex couldn’t believe that the Detective standing in front of her was openly crying. This was not her Detective in any way, shape or form. Alex thought back to last night and couldn’t understand why she invited her up in the first place. The sex was awful and no where near the mind blowing sex remember. For crying out loud Olivia had curves and all the lean muscle she fondly remembered was long gone. And damn she had long hair. What the hell happened to her Butchy McFabulous?

“What are you talking about Alex?”

Olivia’s voice brought Alex from her thoughts and she realized that she said the last part out loud. Well there was no turning back now. “You Olivia, your not my Butchy McFabulous anymore. Hell you’ve got femme curves and long hair and you’re freakin’ emotional now.”

“Well thanks Alex” She still had tears running down her face.

Alex started walking down the steps of the brownstone when Olivia started speaking again. “So what, Alex that’s it were done. What about last night?”

Alex stopped and turned back to Olivia “As far as I’m concerned last night sooo did not happen. Face it Liv you lost your touch.” She turned around and started walking back down the sidewalk.

“So that’s it Alex” Olivia called to her.

Alex didn’t even bother to turn back around but called out ’When you find Butchy McFabulous then you can give me a call, until then cupcake!” Alex waved over her head and disappeared around the corner, leaving Olivia standing there awestruck at the Blonde’s parting words.

length: ficlet, rating: pg-13, title: last night soo did not happen, author: kellty

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