Jul 28, 2008 21:14
So at Shinkendo tonight, after class, the question was posed - "If money was no object, what would you want to do?"
No one specifically asked me, so I got more time to think about it. I realized and I don't know if this is a good thing or a bad thing, I don't know what I would do.
I mean, nothing specific. I have a list of things I'd like to do but not really one thing.
For instance:
- I'd like to own the following types of businesses: A pub (PUB *not* BAR! There is a difference); a game store; a coney type place that would have vegan and vegetarian meals (And not just dishes) at coney island type prices.
- I'd love to pick the piano back up and learn to play it well. Not just tinker around vaguely knowing where the notes are.
- On that note, I'd also love to learn to play the guitar. Thank you Guitar Hero!
- I want to have an entire Space Marine Chapter fully painted in 28 mm scale for Warhammer 40,000. That does include vehicles, but not space ships. :-D
- I want to restore a muscle car from junk. I want to learn how to do all that so I can fix it when it breaks as well.
- Make my own cosplay costume of any of my favorite characters... Of course it'd have to be something that I am physically built for. Though I hear Admiral Zhou would be a good contender right now due to my facial hair... ::glares at a particular Squeakyrat...::
- Be able to have season tickets to the symphony and attend the concerts.
- Be able to attend any Con I want and do so with my friends. ::sniffs:: I missed Comic Con!!! ::sniffs::
- Open up a Science Center in Flint that would be as cool, if not cooler, than the one in Toronto.
That's my list. Money is no object there. Too bad it is in real life.