Feb 02, 2008 16:49
Alright, I've been a long time since I posted, so it's memetime.
1. Post a list of seven TV shows you love (current or canceled).
2. Have your friends list guess your favorite character from each show.
3. When guessed, bold the line and write a little bit about why you like that character.
1. Firefly Yes, rotsman is correct, Wash is my favorite character on the show. Mal may be my captain, now, but Wash is truly my co-pilot. I love his personality and his entire attitude towards the job. He's one of the two members of the crew that I feel represent the heart of Serenity. Plus when it comes to sci-fi games, I always prefer to be the pilot, so I feel a certain sort of kinship with his character.
2. Babylon 5 Rotsman also got this one correct. However, this is a trick one as there are two parts to it. I will finish once the other part (Which should be easy...) has been noted. Wooly has part two. Yes, you cannot have Londo Molari without G'Kar. If Londo had been on his own, he wouldn't have ever been capable of being a sympathetic character. However, the play between the two made for wonderful banter and great foils for each other. You come to realize throughout the show, that they are close to friends as they could get... and even more, had things now been the way they were between the Centauri and the Narn, they *would* have been friends. They really made the show.
3. Avatar: The Last Airbender Freetre got this one with Uncle Iroh. Yes, the old man is my favorite. He is a talented warrior, but more importantly he shows that not all Fire Nation people are bad. Unlike many other Fire Nation citizens, he shows compassion, honor, wisdom and patience. The fact that he hides this all under the guise of just your typical eccentric old man makes him that much cooler.
4. The Shield Well, no one got this one so I'll answer it myself. Dutch is my favorite here. He gets all the shit from other people just because he wants to do the right thing, however for the wrong reason. He wants to be the famous detective to solve a whole bunch of serial murder crimes. He's such an underdog throughout the series. I dunno. It appeals to me.
5. Star Trek: DS9 Wooly strikes with this one. I almost said, no... but that'd be a lie. Sisko is my favorite. He has a charisma about him. People follow him despite his less-than-adequate abilities as a commander. Yes, you heard me right. I feel that he isn't as strong a commander as others. He is not as decisive as he needs to be. Picard gives an order, it gets done no questions asked and he's sure it was the right order. Sheridan gives an order, it gets done and he's sure it was the right order. Kirk gives an order, it gets done and he doesn't care if it was right, as long as it gets results. Mal gives an order, it gets done after he reminds people that it is an order and not a request. Sisko... I dunno.
6. Star Trek: TNG I suppose it's not fair for wooly to get this one, since he knows me all too well. Indeed, Picard is my favorite TNG character. For his love of Dixon Hill to Earl Grey tea, the man evokes class and taste. Besides that, he is rarely wishy-washy on his decisions but he knows when it is best to take council with people who may know better than he does. Also:
"I am Locutus of Borg. Resistance is futile. Your life, as it has been, is over. From this time forward, you will service us."
7. House M.D. Dr. Gregory House is indeed correct, also from Rotsman. I think it's the fact that he doesn't let bedside manners and 'proper procedure' get in the way of figuring out what the heck is wrong with the patient. He does what he needs to do. And if it is wrong, he doesn't panic and say, "ZOMG! What are we to do!" He just looks at what the new evidence gives him and revises and reacts.
Bonus 8th show:
This is an extreme one. I do no anticipate anyone getting this right, but you get bonus kudos if you do.
8. Scrapped Princess Leo. That's all I'm going to say. He's so enamoured with Pacifica that he does almost anything for her, despite her unfortunate title.
Final update aside from bolding correct answers. Saturday, the 16th of February is when I'll be posting the answers to the shows that no one got. That is also when I will respond to your comments. Unless someone guesses number 4. number 8, being the bonus question, goes away once number 4 is found out.