(no subject)

May 13, 2006 12:41

okay this is the scariest thing i've seen in quite some time *hyperventilates*

must make exam notes NOW

it's mum's b-day today and mothers day tomorrow. WHY must i always be broke in may????????

ugh yesterday sucked, i had to pull out of the production :(, the only thing i've really wanted from that school was to be a lead and i finally get it and i have to pull in. yesterday night i reached a major low point, mrs dunn and mrs hughes hate me now, mrs dunn won't even look at me anymore

had a little breakdown in politics yesterday and mrs russell and me had this major d&m, i found out that basically the same thing happened to her in year 12 except she did pull out of the production/student council stuff and she basically fucked year12 up

it just was bad, because it wasn't a decision made irrationally. it was the toughest decision i've had to make and the fact that people don't seem to realise that sucks. they hadn't even started rehearsing my scenes and they got themselves a replacement within a day. nesse..... ew i fucking hate her, but i don't give shit what happens as long as i get into med

got my ball photos yesterday!!!!!!!!!! zomg the one of me, jess, leesa, bri, kate and lottie is HILARIOUS!!! i got it blown up so i'll frame it and shit

well i better go study

<3 alex
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