Sep 05, 2005 10:13
You know, I haven't really commented on the situation in New Orleans because well, because I don't really know what to say. It's deeply distrubing and totally appalling, which is an understatement in and of itself. And I don't even know what's "appropriate" to say about it all. I feel like if I were to say what I really thought I would just be offensive. I know I offended my Mother when I only uttered a few sentances the other night. It's just that while I am deeply concerned and saddened for the people who have lost their lives either literally or figuratively, I can't help but feel disgusted with the whole situation. I am disgusted by the way the governement reacted (or didn't), disgusted by the fact that more effort wasn't put into preventing so much human death and disaster, disgusted with the news coverage, and most of all, I am disgusted by the aftermath. And my opinions about the aftermath is where I become downright offensive. I just think that what the world has witnessed in New Orleans speaks to the tremendous problems with American society itself. Now, I don't know if this is true, because Canada has not experienced this sort of natural disaster in contemporary times, but I find it very hard to believe that Canada, or any other country for that matter, would react with warfare minded vengeance. Whenever I read or see reports about rescue workers being shot at I am just stunned, dumbfouned, unable to even react by the sheer insanity of it all. Yes, I understand that these people are under enormous amounts of stress and have experienced great trauma, but what does that say about human nature if we are to forgive this type of behaviour because of the circumstances? What does it say about human nature that this is how people react to such circumstances? What is this, fucking Lord of the Flies? And I'd really like to know what demographic has taken to forming gangs and shooting up the rescue attempts. Is it the dirt poor? The "disposable" sort of human being? The people who have been ignored or shunned throughout history, and who were yet again overlooked for far too long when it comes to any sort of rescue attempt? Maybe they finally snapped. Maybe the horrific reality of fully realizing that they are the overlooked has simply made them snap. I have no idea what it would be like to realize that the little I had in this life had just been washed away... the dump I call my home, my few personal belongings, my *family* .... and then to top it off feel as though nobody even gives a shit about me enough to come and rescue me from the closest experience I've had to a living hell. I don't know how that would feel, so how can I really judge these people who have gone ballistic? What I do know is that in the so-called richest and most advanced country in the world, these circumstance should simply not exist. How can America be so proud when they have millions of their own citizens living in near third world conditions? How can a nation so rich have such poverty and ignorance? And look what the result is... look at the violence and desperation that comes out of it. I do not hold the individuals who are shooting and looting and raping as accountable as I hold the government. Of course I believe that these people have free will and are responsible for their actions, but I do think that if Western society wasn't so entirely fucked up, that maybe these monstrous actions and behaviours would not be occuring. I am sickened by these reports, and to a certain degree I have just turned myself off to it. I find it so horrifying that I find it difficult to be supportive, and if that makes me a "bad" person, then so be it.
On the otherhand, part of my reaction could be stemming from the effin media itself, which just sickens me too. I have become so jaded with the sensational negativity that is perpetuated by the media. And to be completely honest I have limited my exposure to news reports drastically since I've moved home in the past 7 months. I almost find following the news to be damaging... damaging to my soul. It's all doom and gloom, when really, I do believe somewhere deep within my heart that there is more good than bad in life. I want more reports about the people who have opened up their homes to complete strangers in the aftermath of hurricane. I want more "human interest" reports. That is what life is about, human interest. Fuck Bush. Fuck the rapists and the murderers. Fuck the police officers who have chosen to commit suicide because they can't deal with the ugliness of the situation. Fuck all that. What is good? What is good in this life!? What kind of society are we when we don't even emphasize the good. No wonder we all feel so hopeless.