A Mess

Dec 17, 2011 01:27

Nothing seems urgent in December except for years ending too soon. It took me a long time to learn how to floss properly but I'm glad I did. On an Occupy mailing list someone criticized story-telling. They thought stories and myths were how we got into our current mess; only blunt, unignorable facts could save us from our current oppression.

I thought this was a bad story. The deeper problem that blunt delivery doesn't make facts true or compelling.

I hadn't had a cold in months and then a week ago I bragged about that and the next day I woke up with a cold. Previously unknown parts of my sinus system now hurt.

"Many discussions I've participated in within the activist scene blame burnout on the the lack of sufficient support structures within the scene: childcare for parents, mental health support for troubled and stressed out participants, and radical social services of every kind. I question whether this is really the main reason people leave the scene. For this to be true, one would have to see some way in which people were finding the support that is lacking within the scene somewhere else--in the mainstream society. My sense is that to the extent people sometimes feel isolated and unsupported within the activist scene, there is even less support within mainstream society. At least the activist scene pays lip service to the idea that communities should be supportive of their members . . . " (Counterbalance, Kristi Kenney)
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