Apr 22, 2004 22:40
Well, I haven't killed anybody yet (internally, probably) - I still need to keep a clean record. But the point stands that I'm geared up to kick ass and take names. Let's rewind a second:
Senate meeting. I was very, very geared-up to see Sadd go, and from my discussions with others there was the 2/3 support needed to get him gone; but a last minute Cicero-like speech from the most unlikely of Senators cost us our majority and now everything's all FUBAR. Look, I take SG seriously - I don't care what does or doesn't, can or can't get done, there's power in the position; and I don't need ass-wipes coming in and using my efforts to build their resumes. Not only that, but what I really don't need is an entire body of people to find incompetence charming. To use another quote "Why am I surrounded by friggin' idiots?!"
I've experienced clean politics, I've experienced messy politics; but next year is going to be dirty, and I don't mind dirty. I want mud-slinging, I want negative campaigns, I want fights by proxy - I want blood if possible. I will not lose out to this sad SOB, I will not let him ride high on his arrogance (I've got enough of that for this college) and I'm not going to be happy until I've taken him down a peg and left him to hang.
Maybe I'm just upset because I haven't managed a hot shower in two days, or maybe that I haven't had caffeine in a day, but I'd like to think it's just excitement at the prospect of holding a long-term grudge. I like grudges - the anger keeps me warm at night and the constant plotting keeps my mind focused.
Beyond that set-back we got the GLBT club chartered (with no debate [although two nay's]) and endorsed the Living Wage Campaign. Monday is dinner at the president's house so SG can be recognized for all its hard work - we hope to grill the president on destroying our efforts at coming to an SG-Media resolution.
*sigh* No, I haven't gotten any further in writing - the constant flow of ideas has bottlenecked and made it impossible to stay on one idea long enough to see it through. There's no lack of ideas and/or inspiration, just a lack of being able to get it all down coherently.
Summer countdown:
My last class ends in 7 days, 13 hours and 10 minutes.
My first exam begins in 11 days, 9 hours and 50 minutes.
My last exam ends in 14 days, 17 hours and 50 minutes.
Summer vacation starts in 15 days, 14 hours and 50 minutes.