Совсем недавно я сетовал на то, что платежная статистика Амазона недостаточна и неудобна: нельзя проанализировать из какой страны и в каком объеме платежи поступили или не поступили.
Но теперь все меняется. Получил письмо от Амазона, где как раз говорится о введении более подробной платежной статистики. Буду изучать новую опцию.
We’ve added a new Payment Report so you can easily access your royalty payment information at any time through your KDP account:
https://kdp.amazon.com/kdp/self-publishing/reports The information included in your Remittance Advice (payment notification) is now available in the report, plus some helpful new additions.
Here’s what’s new:
• View Detailed Payment Information - You can view your latest payment status, tax withholding amounts, and the sales period for which royalty payments have been made.
• Reconcile Your Payments with the Prior Months’ Royalties Report - The Accrued Royalty column in the payment report helps you match payments received to the royalty amounts indicated on your Prior Months’ Royalties report.
• Learn About Applicable Exchange Rates - You can see the exchange rates applied during processing of your foreign currency payments.
• Access Historical Transaction Information - Starting from sales periods beginning November 2013, you will now be able to view payment information for the most recent 12 months. For information about sales periods prior to November 2013, please refer to your previous Remittance Advice (payment notification) emails.
As before, around the 20th of each month, you will receive an email notifying you when royalty payments are issued for sales on worldwide Amazon marketplaces. While in the past, your royalty payment amount was listed in the Remittance Advice (payment notification) email without accompanying detail (like exchange rates), starting today, you will receive an email alert whenever a new payment has been made and when you sign in to access the Payment Report you will find the amount as well as all the detail listed above. These changes do not affect the timing of your KDP royalty payments, applicable royalty rates, or your chosen method of payment in any way. Your current KDP Account Payment Settings will also remain unchanged.
To access the Payment Report, sign in to your KDP account and click on the “Reports” tab. Then, select “Payments” from the list of available report options.
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