В Smashwords появились Retailer Tickets

Jan 27, 2014 14:17

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Your Smashwords Dashboard now includes a new column labeled Retailer Tickets.  This new feature, now in live beta, reports notes directly from Apple if their Quality Assurance team requests changes to your book.
This new feature will help you quickly identify and remedy issues that could prevent your book from appearing for sale at Apple iBooks.
Check out your Dashboard for the new feature.
If you have a ticket, please fix it asap.  One of the most common reasons Apple will reject a book is because it contains competitive links to other retailers. They don't want to see (nor have they ever allowed) hyperlinks to competitive ebook stores, or solicitations for authors to visit other bookstores.  Lately, they've tightened their restrictions, but not unreasonably so.  With this in mind, we've issued updated recommendations about these and other common issues.

Избранное блога «Записки электрического автора»: http://www.ermak.su/blog/_blog.htm

smashwords, электронные книги

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