Telepathic Transference Complication (2/?)

Mar 04, 2011 22:18

Title: The Telepathic Transference Complication (2/?)
Author: alex_conrad
Rating: PG (maybe PG-13 later on)
Spoilers: Written right after The Toast Derivation
Word Count: 1,766
Summary: A lab experiment leaves Sheldon with the ability to read minds. Is this a gift or a curse?

Sheldon sat in his spot on the couch, pulling his Thai food out of its bag.

“I don’t know what I’m going to do Amy, this is one of the strangest things that’s ever happened to me,” He said glancing up briefly to see Amy’s face on his computer screen.

“Sheldon, you can read women’s thoughts. This is a huge opportunity for you!” Are you reading my thoughts now?

“Yes Amy, I can still hear you,” He glared for a moment, “What do you mean, ‘opportunity’?”

“I know you do not view Freud as a reliable source of information, however, he did say once: “The great question that has never been answered, and which I have not yet been able to answer is “What does a woman want?””

“Amy, you know how I feel about Freud,” Amy nodded.

“Yes, I do Sheldon, but nonetheless this is an interesting set of circumstances you are in, and until you figure out a way to undo the effects of this lab experiment I think you should make the most of these powers and take up anthropology, if not for anything more than your own curiosity.”

“So, what your saying is that I should use my new ability to study women and what they want. Why would I do such a thing?” Sheldon looked at the screen with a frown. Amy smiled.

Because it is a place no man has gone before.

“Like Star Trek,” He said in reverential awe, “I could study something that has never been studied.”

“Exactly,” She smiled. Sheldon nodded thoughtfully.

“I like the way you think, Amy Farrah Fowler,” He said as he grabbed the soy sauce.

Knock. Knock.

Sheldon looked up to see Penny’s head peeking around the corner of his door.

“I smell Chinese food,” She said. Sheldon frowned.

“It’s actually Thai,” He said before returning his attention to his soy sauce, “You’re slipping.” Penny shuffled a few more steps into the apartment.

“Are Leonard and Priya here?” She asked. Please let the answer be no. I’m so hungry but I don’t want to be around them!

Sheldon cocked his head to the side.

“They went to Catalina for the weekend,” He replied stirring his Thai.

“Oh,” Penny said. He never took me to Catalina, big jerk. “Where’s Raj?” Sheldon looked up at her.

“At home. Forbidding it,” He said.

Awe, poor Raj... “How about Howard?” Penny asked looking around the apartment, like she expected him to pop out at any moment.

“I’m given to understand that his mother grounded him for running away,” Sheldon replied.

HAHAHAHAHAHA. Of course she did. Sheldon smirked at her mental laugh.

“Oh, okay…” Penny stepped closer to the couch. I’m alone with Sheldon. This doesn’t have to be weird… “Well, I guess it’s just the two of us, huh?” She sat down on the couch and looked over at him.

“Actually it’s the three of us,” He said.

Oh dear, he’s finally lost it. He’s got an imaginary fr-

“What up bestie?” Amy’s voice said from the computer causing Penny to jump. Sheldon turned the computer around to reveal Amy’s face on his screen. Penny waved. Awe, Amy. I love Amy.

“Good news!” Amy said after waving back, “Thanks to you, I was able to make a Rhesus monkey cry like a disgraced televangelist!” Sheldon smirked.

“Great,” Penny said with less enthusiasm then she should have had. I can’t believe I lost it like that; I’m not even upset over Leonard dating Priya. I just hate being alone!

“So, you feeling better?” Amy asked. Penny shook her head.

“Not really,” I feel stupid. Why is he happy? Why can’t I be the happy one? Sheldon watched Penny with interest. Amy looked over at Sheldon.

“Sheldon,” He looked up at her, “You have a guest, who’s upset.” Remember, we talked about this. Sheldon dropped his chopsticks in his bowl and placing it on the coffee table he stood up.

“Right, I’ll make tea,” He said.

“Oh, sweetie, it’s okay, I don’t want tea,” Penny replied. Sheldon turned back to look at her.

“I’m sorry. It’s non-optional,” He replied, turning back towards the kitchen.

Penny sat there and smiled. Awe, Sheldon’s being sort of sweet. She watched him move into the kitchen.

“Penny,” Amy said calling her attention back to the computer, “I have to go to an appointment, could you please close my window?” Penny nodded.

“Sure, see you later Amy,” She said leaning towards the computer.

“Bye, Sheldon!” Good luck with the experiment.

“Thank you, goodbye, Amy Farrah Fowler,” Sheldon called from the kitchen. Penny waved one last time and then shut the computer.

“Would you like chamomile or green tea?” Penny got off the couch and walked into the kitchen.

Blech. Why don’t they get good tea like Suger Cookie or Birthday Cake. Something sweet?

“I’ll take Green Tea,” She replied, sitting on the stool at the bar. Sheldon reached into the cupboard and pulled out a teabag, placing it in her cup and pouring water over it.

“Here you are,” He said placing the cup in front of her. Penny lifted the cup to her nose, smelling it.

“This isn’t green tea,” She said. Sheldon shook his head.

“I decided given your predilection to sweet things you may appreciate this tea more, it is a blend of vanilla, cinnamon and chai,” Sheldon watched her curiously as she took a sip.

Mmm. This is good.

“Thank you Sheldon,” Penny said with a smile, “This is just what I needed.” Well, not exactly what I needed. I need to stop feeling like crap. Why do I still have feelings for Leonard? Sheldon frowned.

“Why do you still have feelings for Leonard?” He asked. She looked up at him in shock and he then realized his mistake. He made a mental note to remember not to answer her thoughts.

“I…uh…” She shook her head, “I don’t know.” She answered.

“In my opinion, Leonard has never done anything especially worthy of your affections and now he is dating Pria. Earlier in your ill fated relationship you were looking for a way to get out without hurting Leonard, I believe this your, and I’m using this word for you, ‘cue’ to move on.” Penny looked up at him thoughtfully.

Oh, if you only knew Sheldon.

“I can’t,” She said, “I’m ruined.” Sheldon frowned.

“Penny, if your using that word with it’s original meaning for someone who is not chaste, I hasten to tell you that it applied to you even before you met Leonard.”

Oh, shutup Sheldon.

“No, that’s not what I meant. I meant that I started to date again and nobody that I’m with makes me feel like I did with Leonard.”

“You mean, you do not connect emotionally?” Sheldon looked smug. He was getting the hang of anthropology. Penny glared at him.

Do you even know what emotions are? “No, I mean, Leonard challenged me. He made me want to be better. You know, like everyone else is expecting me to be just this dumb blonde, but when I was dating Leonard, I wanted to be more. To be smarter.” See how well that turned out, I’m still stupid and now he’s dating Priya, the lawyer. She’s probably super smart. Sheldon wanted to point out that if anyone were ‘super smart’ it would be him, but he refrained.

“Penny,” Sheldon said, “I believe that the problem you are having has nothing to do with Leonard and his knew relationship.” Penny glanced up at him.

“What do you mean?” She asked. This should be interesting.

“I mean, you don’t hate that Leonard is in a relationship, what you hate is missing your desire to be better. Perhaps you need to find a way to make yourself feel better about yourself,” Penny blinked up at him.

“But Sheldon, I tried to date other guys-”

“Perhaps dating is not the solution in this case,” Sheldon interrupted, “One does not always need someone’s approval to better themselves. Maybe you should try being a better person for you.” Penny frowned.

Maybe he’s right…but still…I need someone to rely on. I hate being so alone. I don’t have anyone who tells me to do better.

“Thanks Sheldon. I’ll think about that,” She said getting up and moving back to the couch. Sheldon frowned. He didn’t like hearing her thoughts, not at all. He had always thought Penny was such a free spirit, not caring what others thought. But these thoughts made him feel otherwise.

“Penny, if it would help,” He said sitting next to her in his spot. “I would like to help you feel better.” Penny looked over at him.

This is weird. What does he mean by that?

“Ok-ay. How?” she asked, picking at her noodles.

“As you know, my mental faculties are impressive. With my help, you wouldn’t have to feel stupid. If all you need is encouragement to make your life better and a ‘atta girl’ when you do something right, then I offer myself as your primary source of incentive and motivation.” Penny looked at him with a smile.

That is the nicest thing he has ever said to me.

“But,” he started again.

Oh no. Here it is.

“I will tell you that I am a strict teacher. You will be getting no sympathy from me if you fall back into your self-degrading habits, like pining over Leonard.” Penny smiled a little wider.

Wow. Sheldon Cooper, Dr. Beautiful Mind wants to help me with my life. But should I let him? I’m pretty screwed up. No. I need help. I need someone, even if he does act like a robot most of the time.

“Thank you Sheldon, I accept.” Sheldon nodded.

“Alright,” He said, “After dinner we start by organizing that cave you call an apartment.” He almost laughed at the curses that streamed through Penny’s head.

penny, sheldon, the big bang theory

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