Tutorial #4

May 06, 2006 23:03

guesswork_ requested a tutorial for this icon:

But since I’m a loser, I can’t find the original picture. So here’s a tut for the same sort of coloring, but with a different picture.

Go from
using Photoshop Elements

1. Start out with your base. I couldn’t for the life of me find the picture I used for the icon requested, so I chose a different one. Sharpen and do whatever you normally do to your liking. Here’s my base:

2. Duplicate the base layer and desaturate it (ctrl+shift+u). Set that layer on screen


3. Fill a new layer with a dull brownish color (#B8A68E). Set the layer on Multiply, 100%


4. Fill another layer with the same color. Set that layer on Color, 50%


5. Fill a new layer with a yellowish color (#F4EAC8). Set that layer on Color Burn, 50%


6. Go back to your base and duplicate it. Bring the duplicate to the top and set it on Soft Light, 100%


7. I wanted a little more brightness and contrast, so I added a new adjustment layer. To do that on my program, I went to Layer>New Adjustment Layer>Brightness/Contrast. Set both to +20.


And that’s it! I hope that helps, even though it’s not exactly the same. Feel free to ask questions :)


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