Tutorial #12: Jack Bauer

Apr 08, 2007 18:32

I’m back! Here’s the tutorial I promised.

How to go from:
. Involves Selective Coloring, not translatable.

1. Start of with your base. Mine is of the awesome Jack Bauer.

2. Duplicate your base 3 times. Set the first two on screen, 100% opacity and the top one on soft light, 50% opacity. This will vary, of course, on how light or dark your base is.

3. Select part of the background and copied it into a new layer. Then I moved it to the bottom of the icon and softened the edge with the blur tool. It now looks like this:

4. Create a Selective Color layer and set it on 60% opacity.
Cyan -70
Magenta -30
Yellow -25
Black +20
Cyan -60
Magenta -30
Yellow -30
Black -30
Cyan -15
Magenta +5
Yellow +20

5. Create another new Selective Color layer. Keep this layer at 100% opacity
Cyan -100
Yellow +100
Cyan +100
Yellow -55
Cyan +75
Yellow -5

6. Create one more Selective Color layer and keep it at 100% opacity.
Cyan +10
Magenta +10
Yellow +10
Black +10
Cyan +20
Magenta +20
Yellow +10
Black -30
Cyan +3
Magenta +5
Yellow +3
Black -5

7. Fill a new layer with a light green color (I used #B0FDC9). Set the layer on soft light, 30%.

8. Fill a new layer with a light pink color (I used #FFD6D6). Set the layer on soft light, 15%. It won’t make a huge difference

9. Create a brightness/contrast layer.
Brightness: +5
Contrast: +25
These settings will vary depending on your image.

And that’s it! It’s not exactly like the original (found in this post), but it’s as close as I could get because I didn’t save the .psd. This tutorial will most likely not work for all images; experiment with the settings to get the result you want. And if you have any questions, feel free to ask :).


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