18, at last!

Sep 20, 2004 15:48

I had a wonderful birthday weekend!

I smoked a lot out of many a-hookah, and I also got tanked at Jessica's mom's birthday party. I don't think anyone had any idea just how silly I was...

Or, at least, I hope not.

Thank you for the message, Lizzie! My phone died as I was trying to send a reply. I'll call you soon. Then, over the phone, I can relate the craziness that is being 18 to you. I mean, I'm sure you have no idea what's it's like to be an adult!

Cooper and his friend were fucking hilarious. Shit. "Ridiculous" is the new word of choice. They seem to see a lot of ridiculous things. Cooper has changed a lot, too, he is now "College Coop." I can't wait for his 18th birthday. I'll come down for that. Surprise his ass.

The drive back from Tucson was nice, mostly because it was short, thanks to Will's skillful speeding behind that highway patrol man through the Phoenix metro area.

It was nice to see my family, too, and my pets. I did actually miss those dogs. Tee hee. But I missed the cats more. Inky is now even fatter, and at 22 lbs, I think he may be trying to break some records. Halfway there, Stink, halfway...

It was awesome to hang out with Jaime all weekend. Very awesome indeed of him to let me stay there, and be a nuisance. That's all I can do, anyways!

I hate my classes. Except for my photo history class. I love that shit. Greta Murphy (Dr...) is a total babe in the older sexy lady way. Her Fleming factor is off the charts. I may ask her out on a date. However, she may be a lesbian, because she's alluded to her "partner," and usually, that means someone of the same sex. Also, though, maybe she's just a modern woman who really knows what she wants (IE me).

Good quotes this weekend.

Peace pipe dreams of you,
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