First Post

Jan 01, 2010 01:39

 Um... So bear with me. I'm certainly not going to be posting any stories soon. I've decided that I'm going to wait until I finish a story to post it. Rants...? Well... I suppose those will probably show up from time to time. Along with curious musings. Maybe a few memories from my childhood... I'll try to keep everything as organized as possible, but I'm not used to LJ, so I'll probably run into a lot of confusion. So--here it is.

I was raised by two very opposite people at irregular intervals, so I am a mix of many quirks including: shy, demanding, selfish, nice, sarcastic, honest, etc.

Most of my posted stories (if not all) will center around slash. If you don't like that... Well, if you don't like that, I honestly don't know how you got to my journal. But you should probably avoid my stories, if that is you.

I'm opinionated--highly. This doesn't mean that I'll shove my beliefs in your face (and I'm going to be vague enough not to even NAME my beliefs unless asked), but that also means that if you insist on trying to convert me, I'll probably get rude. Most of the adults I grew up around were bible-thumpers. If they didn't convert me (and they were my FAMILY), your chances are... well... not good.

I grew up in the midwest. Middle of nowhere midwest. This, unfortunately, means that I have absolutely no diplomacy when it comes to other cultures or races. So I'm going to say this upfront. I'm not racist. I have nothing against other religions. I am also secluded enough that I can make it seem like I AM racist or that I am against your religion. Please take a moment to breathe deeply, should I offend you, and tell me exactly what I said and how it was offensive. If you don't do that, I'll have no idea I offended you and I will continue to do so. If it helps, make the automatic assumption that I did not mean it the way it came out. Because I almost certainly didn't, if it's THAT rude.

That said--if you offend me and either meant to or take the perpetual "why would you take it that way?" line, I will get snarky. I will likely say things that are pretty cruel. The line at the top of my journal is TRUE. I hate people. But I usually like individuals. My father calls me "wench" and yes, I have asked him to stop. He says, "If you take it offensively, that's your issue, not mine." So. If you do that, I will verbally eviscerate you.

Thank you for your time. I hope you enjoy what I write!

religion, about me, rant, family

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