Fuck the system 2 of 2

Jan 23, 2021 04:19

TW again for cynical talk about Biden.


Today I learned about something called minarchy. A minarchist wants as small a government as will work.

Minarchy sounds cool on the surface. But then the US tried the same thing in the early years, where the federal government existed almost entirely to mediate disputes between the states. Then the North and South couldn't agree on slavery and all that flew out the window. Once the minarchy model was tossed out, it all went downhill from there and we've now been living in a crypto-fascist country for the last 30 years at least.

Crypto-fascism is fascism that disguises itself as a democracy. It does this by strictly controlling the choices of candidates to ones that are in the pockets of billionaires, ones that will keep up the status quo of committing war crimes on other countries for oil and other interests, while slowly ramping up police presence and militarism domestically to take away more and more rights from the people. Trump was an experiment - they wanted to see if the people of the US were ready to accept full fascism, and they found out that not enough of us were, so they replaced openly-fascist Trump with crypto-fascist Joe Biden and his bastard cop running mate Harris. You mark my words, they're gunning to turn this into a police state. They're already working on domestic terrorism laws that are going to be Homeland Security Two: Electric Boogaloo, and they're going to use those laws more against anarchists than white supremecists, Biden actually said as much some time back.

Biden is a racist who pretends to be not one by partnering with race-traitors like Obama and Harris. We know this to be true by his decades of pushing for more and harsher sentences for people of color. He has been aided and abetted by the Democrats as well, like Bill Clinton. Biden also helped form I.C.E. and helped build the concentration camps innocent immigrants are being held in. I predict Biden is going to do not a single fucking thing about those concentration camps, except maybe some slight changes to make the conditions inside a little better, but otherwise it's going to be business as usual. After all, Obama had the chance to repeal the fascist Patriot Act and disband Homeland Security but didn't because as I said, he's a traitor to his race, just as fascist as all the other Presidents before and since. But he's charming so people excuse it.

Literally, I am not kidding. Every US President since WWII -- including Obama and Jimmy Carter -- would be a war criminal if the UN had any fucking spine to enforce the Geneva Convention. And the war on drugs is also a crypto-fascist tool as well. If the US government really didn't want drugs to get into the country, then they would be able to keep the drugs from getting into the country. The fact that drugs keep getting in is just proof that the government wants the drugs to be here, so they have an excuse to keep using people of color as slaves. Because Lincoln didn't end slavery, he just ended private slavery... prison slavery is still legal. Which is why the racist assholes in the government throw people of color into prison for years and even decades for the same crimes white people get away with all the time. And now the cops routinely carry more military gear than the military does, and their reaction to being asked to stop killing people of color has been and continues to be doing even more murdering and violence. Even white protesters aren't safe anymore from rubber bullets (used improperly - they're supposed to be fired at the ground so they can bounce and hit people, and these assholes are shooting people point-blank with the fucking things, doing fucktons of damage to people.)

So again, none of this is going to change until we have a violent revolution. Because the system is built to serve the fascists. This was cross-posted from https://alex-antonin.dreamwidth.org/333968.html
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politics, fascism

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