On someone's FB, they made the comment "the entitled generation" in response to the fascist shit-stain from the Capitol invasion who was wearing a "Viking" hat. I was like "Ok boomer" and they got pissy about that, so I responded:
Don't conflate this dickwaffle's cuntistry for some generational thing. "Entitled generation," LOL. It's boomers who are the entitled generation, raised in a world of cheap education, cheap housing, and high wages. Millennials and gen Z have inherited a capitalist hellscape even worse in many ways than the days of the robber barons and child labor and sweatshops, where we have to work two full time jobs and sign up for food stamps to afford both rent and food, with the caveat that more and more companies are ditching full time jobs in favor of part time jobs so they don't have to pay for health insurance for their workers. Wages haven't adjusted for inflation since like, the 50's or 60's or maybe 70's. And it's all the fault of the boomer generation. But it's not a generational issue, it's a class issue, because it's the wealthy motherfuckers who are guilty of making things this way.
It's boomers that have all the Karens and Chads yelling at stressed out, underpaid workers and trying to get people fired just for a chance at free food despite the fact they live in their own houses that they own and drove there in their own cars they fully own while the Millennials and gen Z kids are kind and compassionate to those poor workers because they've been in that position before.
Do I hate all baby boomers? No. I have plenty of friends in that age bracket. Like you (Brooke) and others. But it pisses me off when any of them make unfounded accusations against younger generations like claiming they're "entitled" or some shit, when A. People saying that shit are projecting their own crap onto others, and B. Y'ALL EMEFFERS RAISED THOSE KIDS, so if y'all've got complaints about them, you've only got yourselves to blame.
Also, it's really fucking fucked up when someone's reaction to fascism is to blame the younger generation. Fascism was invented in the 20's and 30's, that shit ain't on us. Older people invented that particular memetic disease, and if it's spread to the younger generation that's nothing to do with generation and everything to do with the fact that these neo-fascists are rich, privileged shitstains.
Oh and lastly, you're misusing the word "entitled" like so many people these days do. An entitlement is something you legitimately deserve because you actually fucking earned it. The attitude of this fascist fuckwaffle is the opposite of entitlement, because he doesn't deserve his privilege and he sure as fuck did nothing to earn it. He's got the privilege to where he can take the Nazi route solely from an accident of birth, and your misuse of the term "entitled" just feeds into his delusions of superiority.
This was cross-posted from
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