So... I found this Tumblr post where the person said "Adopted siblings are still siblings you incest loving fuckwads," and this was my response:
I'm not into incest but like... If they're not related by blood, they're genetically not siblings. The dangers of inbreeding are why that taboo exists, and that's not an issue with adopted siblings, so like... what's the objection? Not trolling, I just genuinely don't understand what the objection is to adopted siblings getting it on with each other. Like, legitimately baffled.
In an attempt to understand, I looked in the notes, and while I was there, I saw someone try to claim that shipping adopted siblings (or just not being bothered by such an obviously harmless thing as that) is somehow disrespectful to adoption, that it means you think adopted siblings aren't "real" siblings. And to that I would ask those people if they think adoption somehow magically transmutes the person's DNA to match their new family, because that is the only logical way to parse that claim. Any other definition of "real" in this context would be contrary to the accepted meaning of the word "real." And assholes like that already brought us the linguistic abortion that is the conflicting definitions of "literally," so if any of you fuck up the meaning of "real" to try to justify your moral outage over something so idiotic, then so help me Satan I will donkey kick you in the fucking teeth.
Seriously, nobody is trying to invalidate the bonds possible with the found family of adoption. But if two or more of-age adopted siblings are not related by blood, then there is no reasonable or logical reason why they can't hook up if they want to. Pretending otherwise is proving yourself to be a fool.
(There's also no logical reason why related siblings of the same sex can't hook up if they choose to, either. Two people with the same kind of genitals can't make babies with each other even if they wanted to, and since prevention of inbreeding is the reason for that taboo, then it makes no sense at all to apply the taboo to people who can't even break the only reason the taboo was made.)
I mean really, this whole argument of people like the op is one of the many bullshit arguments where people are getting all bent out of shape over something completely ridiculous because they don't know how the fuck to mind their own goddamned business, nor do they want to accept the fact that their being grossed out by something is not, in fact, an actual, logical argument against it. It is, in fact, the same kind of bullshit argument homophobes use to try to outlaw homosexuality, that transphobes use to oppress trans people. It's just a variation of the "I think it's icky and therefore it shouldn't exist" argument.
If such an argument had any validity, we would have to accept homosexuality as illegal and not do it. Trans people would have to not exist. If it had any validity, I could end veganism by saying I find vegans disgusting. Or vegans could force their bullshit diet on the rest of us by making the same argument. I don't pretend like my disgust with Miracle Whip gives me the moral authority to force others to stop eating it, so maybe use your brain and mind your own fucking business.
So go ahead, be disgusted at the shipping of adopted siblings if you want, but stop pretending like your disgust with it automatically renders it immoral or wrong. Stop pretending you can tell people what to do if it isn't hurting anyone. And stop pretending that your reasons for being disgusted by it are anything other than purely emotional and therefore entirely illogical.
PS: I no longer interact with people who argue with me on Tumblr. There's no point, nobody on this hell site knows how to listen or change their minds about anything. Also, it's just exhausting. Consider this whole post me yelling into the void.
However, to give you ass clowns one less excuse to ignore my note that responding to me is a pointless waste of your time, I will head off a couple possible arguments:
"You must be a troll who is actually an incest shipper lying about not being an incest shipper" / "You must be hot for a sibling of yours."
"You must be an only child."
No, I'm genuinely none of those. I no more see the appeal of incest shipping than I agree with the people opposed to it. Just like somebody can defend gay or trans people without being either of those things.
As to siblings, I have one sibling, a younger sister. We detest each other. I never liked her from the start, and she was a screaming hell beast who never fucking shut up. Literally, she used to scream nonstop for half the fucking day for no good reason, and I'm autistic, so the noise kept pushing me into meltdowns. I genuinely wish she'd never been born, and I will dance a fucking celebratory jig if I manage to outlive her. I legitimately hope she dies in a car wreck or drug overdose or some shit. So the very thought of thinking of her in a sexual way makes me want to gouge out my eyes with a paperclip and slit my own throat.
So why defend incest shippers? Because unlike you shit-sucking dick monkeys, I actual can recognize that other people don't think like I do, and don't like the same shit I do. In fact, being autistic, I couldn't fucking ignore those facts if I wanted to, because from my perspective, all you non autistic people are a bunch of utterly baffling aliens. Fully ninety percent of the shit you lot do either makes no fucking sense, is fucking evil to me, or both. Compared to shit like it being socially acceptable and even quite common to mutilate the genitals of infants for no good reason, when doing so ought to be a heinous crime alongside child molestation, people being turned on by consensual incest seems perfectly reasonable to me, even though it isn't my jam.
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