In an alternate timeline, a man mysteriously appears from nowhere on the set of Home Alone 2, and kills Donald Trump. In the chaos he shouts "YOU'LL THANK ME SOMEDAY!" and immediately vanishes into thin air. Nobody ever figures out the meaning of this cryptic message, and the man is never identified.
But then a few years later he reappears, looking terrified, disheveled, and emaciated, missing an arm and bearing a number tattoo on his remaining arm. He kills an obscure politician named Mike Pence. "THE EVIL HAS BEEN DEFEATED!" he shouts, and once more disappears. Facial recognition software identifies him as somebody who, strangely, is only 10 years old. It's considered a glitch, and the mystery is never solved.
Some conspiracy theorists eventually point out that an unidentified man was spotted by several people several years earlier exiting the house of Arkansas governor Bill Clinton shortly before his wife Hillary was discovered in her bathroom, dead from a blow to the head after falling in the shower. One of these conspiracy theorists manages to get into a Presidential press briefing, but was apprehended before he could ask any questions of President Bernie Sanders.
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