Double standard

Nov 28, 2017 22:58

Things you can't legally do to adults, but which you CAN legally do to children (if they’re “your” children):

* Steal from them
* Invade their privacy
* Mutilate their genitals
* Drive a metal spike through their ears without their consent
* Remove their privacy completely (by removing their door)
* Bug their phones
* Deny them necessary medical procedures (to a point)
* Ignore their wishes regarding medical procedures
* Physically assault them (to a point)
* Physically restrain them (to a point)
* Try to torture the gay out of them
* Force them to join your religion

Things you can legally do to either kids or adults, and if you do them to adults it’s seen as a dick move, but it’s considered fine if you do it to kids:

* Ignore them when they’re trying to talk
* Tell them to shut up
* Condescend to them
* Lie to them
* Break promises

If anyone has any other examples, feel free to add.

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youth rights, kids, children, child abuse

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