If you are not an anti-capitalist, then you either have no compassion and no soul, or you are extremely ignorant about capitalism. Capitalism cannot be redeemed, cannot be reformed.
Capitalism needs the poor and the homeless to function at all, and if you think there's ever a good reason for someone to be poor or homeless, you have no bloody compassion and you deserve my contempt and the contempt of every decent human being ever.
Capitalism needs theft and exploitation of workers to function at all, and there is no possible way to change that. Increasing the minimum wage to a living wage is a nice stopgap measure, the equivalent of putting your finger in a hole in a dam to keep it from collapsing and drowning everyone for a little while. Except that's not the best metaphor, either, because dams can be replaced or refurbished, while there's nothing anyone can do to make capitalism anything other than a violent system of exploitation, oppression, and class warfare.
If you think it's a good thing, or a natural thing, for some people to steal from other people and call it being an employer, especially if they then hoard so much money that they personally have more money than a family of four could spend in two or even three entire lifetimes, then I don't like you, and I never will.
If you defend the oppressive one-percenters, if you defend capitalism, then I consider you either ignorant or immoral or both.
If you look at a poor person or a homeless person and say they deserve what they got, if you call them lazy, if you think there's ever any reason why someone should not deserve to eat and have shelter and have access to clean drinking water, then I consider you immoral and possibly even evil.
If you're in favor of defunding welfare programs that help keep struggling people alive, then you are an immoral and evil person. If you are someone who has voted to defund welfare programs, you as bad as a mass murderer and deserve to rot in prison.
If you support evicting people who don't pay for water that has continually been poisonous for years now, then please, go move to one of those communities and drink nothing but their tap water for however long it takes you to see sense and join the fight for clean drinking water.
Seriously, why are we even needing to discuss any of this? The evil of capitalism is self-evident, I don't understand how anyone can think differently than I do on this topic, and I doubt I ever will. Every individual who defends the evils of capitalism makes me lose a little more hope for humanity, and makes me gain a little more hatred for the people who are so monumentally ignorant and/or monumentally immoral. It makes me wonder how we can even be the same species.
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