So today on the bus, a woman was getting on the bus, and she had some things she was carrying that she had to put down. As she tried to do that, the bus driver started telling her in a much too harsh tone to show her her ticket. She tried explaining she needed to put her stuff down and make sure it didn't fall over before she could locate her ticket in her bag. The bus driver then started to yell at her to show her ticket, yelling very loudly. The bus driver kept yelling more and more, not giving the woman a second to explain or to comply. How is anyone supposed to comply with an order when it's being shouted and then screamed at them over and over and over again?
I had been at the bus stop with this woman, and she didn't have her ticket ready when she boarded because some idiot homeowner had sicced the cops on her for existing on a public sidewalk in front of his driveway as she was just trying to keep her things from falling everywhere. She wasn't even blocking the driveway and he wasn't even going anywhere but still this pig was harassing her for no good reason for over 20 minutes.
So yeah, she didn't have her ticket ready because she was being harassed by the cops over something stupid, and then she gets harassed by the bus driver who was too impatient to let her put her stuff down and secure it before she can show her ticket, something I see bus drivers being patient about all the time. This woman hadn't even been back to put her stuff down 20 seconds when the bus driver started shouting at her. If the driver had just been patient, we could have all been going within 40 or 50 seconds at the most, but because she kept screaming at this poor woman, it took several minutes because honestly, nobody can keep calm and comply with an order when it's being screamed at them over and over and over again. I'm surprised the woman wasn't crying at how badly she was being treated for no good reason.
It got so bad I actually started shouting at the driver to shut up and let her get her ticket, but I think the driver misheard me or misunderstood who I was yelling at, because when I was passing her to get off the bus, she said "Sorry about all that" in a tone that plainly meant she was apologizing to me not for her shitty behavior but for the woman "making a scene." I hadn't been intending to say anything to the driver, just report her, but at those words I turned to her, gave her the stink-eye, and said loudly and clearly, "YOU were the one being rude," then walked off the bus without another word.
Honestly, that driver needs to get some anger management classes or something. I reported that stupid driver woman to Trimet for this BS. You'd think a 60-some year old white woman would have more patience than that shitty driver, but no, apparently not. I hope they fire her.
If I'd thought to get the cop's badge number, I could have reported him for harassing the poor woman, too. Alas, I did not.
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