No charges for cops that "accidentally" fired 107 rounds at a mother and her daughter How the ever-fucking Hell do you "accidentally" discharge 107 rounds at someone??? Unless they're using machine guns in the police force now (which honestly wouldn't fucking surprise me at this point), I'm pretty sure that many rounds requires at least one or two reloads. This is MURDER. And the assbrains who let these scum-sucking MONSTERS go without any charges are ACCESSORIES TO MURDER. Anyone who disagrees with me on that can go fucking eat a skunk's stink gland and then drown themselves in the fry oil at McDonalds.
Anyone who thinks anybody deserves to be summarily executed by the cops for any reason at all is just as much a monster as the shitstains doing the actual murdering, and I sincerely hope all you racist monsters fucking DROP DEAD. And I sincerely hope it's extremely fucking painful when you do!
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