There's a thing on the news about trying to get witnesses to gang-related murders, and they're acting like it's mysterious how they can't get witnesses. Gee, maybe the fear of being the next victim is what's preventing them from coming forward?
What's more, with everyone they showed in the piece being black, there's another layer: they don't trust the cops to protect them. Gee, I wonder why that might be? ( /sarcasm ) So this problem isn't likely to go away until we in this country make a concerted effort to counter the racism of the system:
1. Extensive background checks and personality tests for cops. If there's any indication of racism, manditory training to counter it, unless the racism is too bad to fix with training. Another test: a Hogan's alley test to see how likely they are to use weapons on people of color. If the training doesn't fix their tendency to shoot at POC more, then they aren't hired.
2. Law would make it a requirement to make and update a database of police brutality complaints for every officer, that would be accessible to everyone, and it has to be checked before you can hire a cop who left another district.
3. Hire more black judges and lawyers. Which requires:
4. Give money to all schools equally, regardless of property values/taxes. Which requires:
5. TAX THE RICH! Make them pull their fucking weight for once, instead of just throwing it around!
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