Seems to me like all mass shooters are white, male losers.

Oct 04, 2015 13:06

Isn’t it interesting how all the school shooters I’ve ever heard of are white, male, sexist and/or racist losers with no social life, an over-inflated sense of self-importance, a fragile ego, and so desperate for a little attention that they’d rather be dead and infamous than live on as losers nobody gives a shit about?

Seriously, think about it. How many of these mass shooters are black? I can’t recall there being a single one. How many are Latino? None, to my knowledge. How many are women? None, as far as I can tell. How many mass shooters have there been who were any sort of person of color? Well if we’re going by the metric of people who take guns and fire into crowds of innocent people, then... Looks to me like... zero. This is genuine terrorism right here, all these mass shooters; hundreds die because of these white terrorists, while a statistically negligible number of people die at the hands of POC terrorists. And yet, the only terrorism our society seems concerned about is POC terrorism. Well now, isn’t that interesting?

White privilege is, among other things, the ability to be an actual fucking terrorist and yet nobody in the media calls you a terrorist, or a thug, or anything like that. Al Quaeda are to Islam as the Branch Davidians are to Christianity; they commit one terror attack on American soil and suddenly everyone who “looks like a Muslim” (an absurd statement, as absurd as “looks like a Christian”) is suddenly considered a terrorist. So why is it that dozens, even scores of white male losers can kill hundreds of people, and nobody’s “randomly selecting” white males at the airport or in theaters as potential terrorists?

And even if you can find one or two examples of mass shooters who are POC, those are still outliers. What remains is the fact that 99.99% of mass shooters are white, male losers. And even if their names go down in infamy, they will always be losers. By becoming mass shooters, they forever closed off any chance they may have had of no longer being losers. They sealed their own fates. The UCC shooter? Loser. That Roof guy? LOSER. The Columbine shooters? Eternally LOSERS! Every single mass shooter ever: LOSERS!!!

So, white male losers, a bit of advice: either work to better yourselves as human beings, or go swallow a massive dose of deadly nightshade and leave innocent people out of it. Those are really your only two options for not being a loser anymore.

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ucc shooting, white terrorism, gun control, gun nuts, terrorism, suicide tw, guns

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