I recently shared a link on Facebook about some stupidity about arming children with concealed weapons "fer a saffer Murika!" And made a comment "repeal the second amendment already." And of course, within a very short time, some nutbag starts in with "herp de doo, we can't do that cuz MURRIKA!" This was my response:
The second amendment was ratified at a time when the height of military technology was the fucking MUSKET. (Sure, there were cannons, but they were bulky, had poor aim, and had a tendency to not go off the way they were supposed to.) Also, most of the country was being reclaimed by the wilderness after the Indians were still trying to recover from a massive smallpox die-off (germ warfare). That was a time when it made sense for everyone to be armed, because guerilla warfare actually worked back then. Now, the only people who need guns are... well, maybe the FBI or ATF, if they have smugglers or organized criminals to fight, but nobody else needs guns anymore. Nobody fucking hunts for food these days, nobody's fighting Indians (not legally, anyway), and guns only bring tragedy and genocide these days.
Some people are like "We need the second amendment to defend against the military in case of a coup!" Well I have news for them: the military laughs at your puny guns. The military can nuke your whole fucking city, or bomb just your house in particular, or send sniper drones after you or something; these stupid little militias people organize are completely pointless, and most of them are run by racists and nutty doomsday cultists anyway. The UK doesn't allow guns, and they're a lot safer. Australia, for all its recent faults, doesn't allow guns in their country, and there hasn't been a mass shooting there for decades.
So pardon me if I think the second amendment is pointless, outdated, obsolete, and fucking dangerous in this day and age. Excuse me if I think it needs to be repealed. I stand by my stance.
This was cross-posted from
http://alex-antonin.dreamwidth.org/236963.html You can comment either here or there.