My friend
kengr has
a post about problems her mother (and a lot of adults) have with raising children. The post prompted me to make this comment:
Assuming that others can understand what you understand, even when you've explained it poorly, that is solipsism ("Projecting your reactions, responses and sensibilities onto someone who is probably far less attuned than you are") and is the third of the nine Satanic Sins. (1 and 2 being Stupidity and Pretentiousness, respectively.) Sounds like your mum had a BAAAAD case of solipsism.
I think I'll add some sins to my own list of
Satanic Sins:
10. Ignorance of ignorance - It can be very dangerous to not be mindful of the ignorance of other people, especially children. This is related to "solipsism" but is different because not only might you be projecting your own abilities and knowledge onto someone who is differently abled and not as knowledgeable as you, but refusal to acknowledge your ignorance of someone's ignorance can easily become stupidity. And trying to raise children while constantly expecting them to be as able and knowledgeable as you are is not only stupidity, but is often cruelty.
11. Neuotypicalcentrism - Never assume that someone can do something you can just because "everyone" can. The brain is a self-programming computer prone to programming errors and hardware defects, neither of which can be fixed at this point in time. The mind is a function of the meat, and if something is wrong with the meat, something will be wrong with the mind. Mental disabilities are far more difficult to work around than physical ones.
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