So there was just a thing on the news, some idiots camping out by city hall in protest. Because of complaints and safety issues, they're being evicted. But the idiots are ignoring the eviction notices and complaining about it being a "first amendment issue." No, fuckers, not only are you not being arrested for protesting, but you're being kicked off the property for CAMPING OUT ON GOVERNMENT LAND. Especially with Portland's sit/lie ordinance, WHY DOES THIS FUCKING SURPRISE YOU! They're not saying you can't protest there, they're just saying you can't sleep there when it's not open. Or, really, at all. Come over to the city hall to protest during open hours, go home, and then come back when they open, and you WON'T HAVE ANY MORE FUCKING PROBLEMS!
While I'm at it, the same applies to the idiots being kicked out of protests in a city park for being there after hours. COME BACK DURING THE DAY, DUMB FUCKS! Nobody is telling you that you can't protest, they're saying "don't do it here after hours."
Furthermore, while the first amendment guarantees you can't be arrested for speaking your mind, it does NOT guarantee you a platform. If someone doesn't want you protesting on their land, they have the right to kick you out. And ignoring their desire for you to go away is a violation of THEIR rights.
Think of it this way: if the first amendment worked the way these idiots think it works, the Westboro Baptist Church morons would be able to protest anywhere they damn well wanted to, even on the yards of gay couples, and nobody would be able to do anything about it. But in reality, if they showed up on your yard one day, you'd be fully within your rights to have them arrested for trespassing or somesuch. The same applies to anyone else who wants to soapbox on your property, for any reason. So WHY is it so hard for people to realize that the GOVERNMENT has the same rights to decide if they want people protesting on their property?
Granted, the government sucks. The pigs goad protesters into becoming violent so that they have an excuse to arrest them. They go in expecting trouble and their expectations create that reality, usually. But for FUCK'S SAKE, dumbasses, they do that shit specifically because they CAN'T arrest you for simply protesting. So if you get arrested, there is ALWAYS some other excuse; EVERY SINGLE TIME, it is because YOU, the protester, have broken some OTHER rule, and the government assfucks have glommed onto that excuse like starving dogs on a pork chop.
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