I was going to go to the library yesterday, and couldn't, because the library had been evacuated and an area of several blocks around it cordoned off by the police, because there was some nutter with a gun threatening people.
Fucking hell, I am fucking tired of this shit! Why can't the people in Washington D.C. grow a fucking brain and repeal the second amendment already!?!? There was a time when it was useful, but that time disappeared about 60 or 70 years ago, if not sooner. There's no fucking way a militia could stand against the American military force, and no reason to. The second amendment is just a fucking excuse for nutbags with more bullets than brains (and anyone who's a member of the NRA or otherwise is fond of guns is a member of that category) to be violent, racist assholes and kill innocent people for fun and profit.
I dunno, maybe keep hunting rifles legal, because some people do legitimately hunt for food, but there's no reason at all for handguns or worse to be legal.
And don't give me this crap about "they'll get guns anyway." Look at Britain. Like, a dozen or fewer gun deaths a year there compared to how many hundreds or thousands a year in the US? Fucking shit.
Yes, I know this doesn't really track with my anarchism, but only if you've forgotten (or didn't know cuz you didn't read far back enough) that I don't think humanity is ready for anarchism. We need to reduce the powers of government in certain ways over time, wean humanity off of governments. Start by legalizing anything that causes more harm by being illegal than it would being legal, like drugs, prostitution, and gambling. More freedoms for younger citizens, too, like lowered drinking, smoking, voting, and gambling ages. I'm also a pacifist, hence my hatred of guns. I'm not going to continue here. Read
this post for more information, if you're interested.
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