Actually, it's *much* easier to do actual sex that to fake it with camera angles and stuff.
As for consent, some of the folks pushing this believe that it's "forced consent". Rather like the case with many/most prostitutes. They only "consent" because the consequences of *not* consenting are bad. (with many pimps, getting beaten or worse, with other situations, not having momey for food and the like).
There is *some* truth to that, but in the porn industry it's mostly not true anymore (used to be that most porn involved Mafia and the like connections, and it was not a good place to be, but you didn't have much of a choice).
Now a days (say since the porn explosion due to video tape) that's a minor part of the porn market.
But besides that, a lot of the "porn is rape" folks don't believe that it *can* be consensual because they can't imagine themselves ever consenting to anything like that.
They have the all too common blind spot of not understanding that other people's minds work differently without those differences being *wrong* in any way.
So, since their mind could never willingly consent to such acts, they *believe* that no one can. And any protests to the contrary are fake.
There's no way to convince them. So the only solution is to push for stronger interpretations of things like freedom of speech and freedom of expression. So that they aren't *allowed* to interfere.
Ah yes, this is a real-life example of what Robert Anton Wilson says: we all live in our own universes (reality tunnels), and many of us think people in other universes are insane.
As for consent, some of the folks pushing this believe that it's "forced consent". Rather like the case with many/most prostitutes. They only "consent" because the consequences of *not* consenting are bad. (with many pimps, getting beaten or worse, with other situations, not having momey for food and the like).
There is *some* truth to that, but in the porn industry it's mostly not true anymore (used to be that most porn involved Mafia and the like connections, and it was not a good place to be, but you didn't have much of a choice).
Now a days (say since the porn explosion due to video tape) that's a minor part of the porn market.
But besides that, a lot of the "porn is rape" folks don't believe that it *can* be consensual because they can't imagine themselves ever consenting to anything like that.
They have the all too common blind spot of not understanding that other people's minds work differently without those differences being *wrong* in any way.
So, since their mind could never willingly consent to such acts, they *believe* that no one can. And any protests to the contrary are fake.
There's no way to convince them. So the only solution is to push for stronger interpretations of things like freedom of speech and freedom of expression. So that they aren't *allowed* to interfere.
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