I'm a bit unusual even for a Satanist. I believe that while stupid people should indeed be exploited and manipulated to the Satanist's advantage, I believe also that if we are truly to follow "survival of the fittest," that we keep in mind that humanity as a species IS the fittest because of our ability to cooperate. I believe that true socialism is the way to go, that if we eliminate the "starving/homeless/desperate" kind of poverty by providing the bare essentials for life (at least a warm, small space for everyone to sleep and securely keep their belongings; and enough food that people don't have to worry where their next meal is coming from) that we will better the whole species, lifting everyone up. Hell, it's even been shown that the more desperate the poverty, the more brain processing gets diverted to solving problems related to/caused by their poverty. Easing the burden of the poor actually frees up processing space in their brain for other things, thereby letting them do better on IQ tests even in the short term, and with long term freedom from desperation-level poverty, they're free to learn even more and get even smarter. And so the ripples move upward, making the whole species smarter as a result.
So yeah. I'm a Satanist who actually agrees with some of the things Yeshua ben Yosef (AKA "Jesus Christ")said. Do I like Christianity? Hell no. Christianity is to Yeshuah's teachings as modern Republicans are to the original Republicans: that is, Christianity pays lip service to, and worships, Yeshuah, but doesn't actually abide by any of his liberal teachings, just as the Republican party has drifted away from budget prudence and smaller government to where it now stands for warmongering, tax cuts for the wealthy, and religion-influenced government to interfere in people's lives. Christianity is Christianity in name only, and has been that way since the founding of the Church in Rome, at least. To piss on Yeshuah and disregard his liberal politics just because the Church basically went "Ignore all that liberal claptrap. Here, be distracted by this Jesus who is not in any way a recycled pagan godform made from about half a dozen different pagan gods sewn together like a Frankenstein's monster."
So yes, I still dislike Christianity, because it's a piece of shit religion with a mockery of a man being called a god. Also, the New and Old Testaments don't fucking fit together; it's like splicing Die Hard and some romantic comedy together and expecting it to make sense.
But for all that some jackasses went and made a shitty religion out of him, I still respect Yeshuah ben Yosef as a mortal human being who was a good philosopher with a lot of points I agree with. Do I agree with it all? Hell no. That whole "be meek" bullshit may work sometimes, like it worked for Ghandi, but only if your enemy is too gentle themselves to just fucking shoot you in the head for resisting.
Besides which, can't anyone tell that despite what they say they believe, most Christians already secretly believe the totally fucked-up, misunderstood version of "survival of the fittest." Think about that a moment: a religion worshiping a mockery of a dead liberal, that practices conservatism, rejecting evolution and yet embracing social darwinism. FUCKED. UP. And Satanists who believe in the same fucking social darwinism that the Christians do, and yet claim to be somehow different than the Christians... well, okay, so they're a bit more honest about it, but it's still the same fucked up shit in a different container. Christianity's hypocrisy is like pissing in a bottle and calling it Mountain Dew. And a lot of Satanists seem to pour that same piss into a different bottle and call it Pepsi.
Sorry, just venting my spleen a bit.
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