Aug 13, 2011 12:19
- Fri, 15:03: Writer's Block: What would ____ do?
- Fri, 15:03: Writer's Block: What would ____ do?
- Fri, 16:54: Poll: Religion question
- Fri, 17:06: Saw a picture earlier, of London looters. Pic was captioned "Angry at the government. Steal from small business owners."
- Fri, 17:07: I said to myself, "Yes! If the rioters are angry with the government, they should be throwing molotov cocktails at gov't buildings!"
- Fri, 17:11: If she hasn't learned her ABC's, she's either Michelle Bachmann or #shestooyoungforyoubro
- Fri, 17:12: #shedidntcallbecause #shestooyoungforyoubro
- Fri, 17:42: I'd never need AA, but if I did, I don't know whether "My ideal self" or "Satan" would be my "Higher Power."
- Fri, 17:44: AA gets a lot of crap about that "higher power" thing, but I've known people who claimed concepts like Compassion as their higher power.
- Fri, 17:49: If you have to pick up your date from daycare, #shestooyoungforyoubro