Yesterday I was accosted by someone doing something to try to save the environment, some something requiring asking for signatures or something like that. Which is okay by me, but what bugged me was their delivery: "Do you have a second for the environment?" Ah, the guilt trip. Yes, how I love guilt trips. (That was sarcasm by the way.) Flummoxed, I was speechless and so Fay spoke up with "No," and we walked away. A minute later, though, I was wishing I could redo that, and say instead, "Actually, yes. I'll listen to whatever quaint plan you have to undo centuries of human abuse wherein you attempt to use human action to reverse the effects of human action, if you let me tell you what *I* am doing for the environment. You see, I'm a member of the Human Extermination Project. We're dedicated to removing the vermin that is humanity from existence once and for all. I wonder if you might have any ideas on how to make a permanent, one-time-use-only contraceptive agent that would only affect the reproduction of humans without affecting other life-forms, we've been having some problems with that. We've also been having some similar problems in our project to come up with a human-targeted neuro-toxin that is also environmentally friendly, breaking down into harmless elements. We also can't decide whether waterborne or airborne delivery would be preferable. Anyway, if you're interested why don't we sit down and talk some more?"
Gee, it would be awesome to see how she'd react to THAT. :-D
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