Apr 07, 2010 21:14
Update o'clock!
I haven't written here for ages, and I've been meaning to, and now that I finally come around to do so I'm really not sure what to say or how much to cover. I'm going to opt for my old friend the bullet point.
* Work is good. Not great, but good. I'm helping to train the newbies, which is actually pretty rewarding, and actually makes me feel like I'm being noticed. The money is still bad and I'm still pretty uncertain of what sort of future I have with the company, but it's certainly better than being a phone monkey.
* Homestuff is also good. I finally got my books shipped over from Perth, and being reunited with my comics and such is a strange and wonderful pleasure. Integrating those that I've had in archive since before View St and those I've bought since moving here was an interesting process. Of course I don't have nearly enough shelving space for the 300+ novels that I own, let alone the comics, roleplaying books and coffee table books. Turns out that I have three distinct encyclopedias of science fiction. Who really needs that many?
* Lovestuff is great. Cassie and I have been together for over a year now, and all is very much well. My most serious ongoing poly experience is a resounding success so far, and though it hasn't always been smooth sailing I can confidently say that none of the problems which have arisen between us have been due to her having another boyfriend. We spent three solid days and nights together over the long weekend, probably the longest solid chunk of time we've been in each other's faces for, and all was well. Optimistic Alex is optimistic about the future.
In other exciting news, I've just booked tickets to go to Canberra and see the French Masters show. I haven't been on an adventure recently, so excitement abounds. Regrettably Cass has commitments here in Sydney and won't be along, but while I'm disappointed to not have her with me I do believe that she's making the right decision. I'm sure that Lachlan will be a fine travelling companion in her stead.