All rights are reserved (author would like to apologize for any inconvenience caused. English is not his native language)
"Historians are wrong, or they are lying. Tertium non datur."
Fig. 8 Scans from books. Reasoning on the meaning of the word SUTHINA
Just take a look and think - the presence of another version of the spelling of this phrase in the form of SFOINA refutes the official version of the Etruscologists that the inscription should be read as SUTHINA. After all, the letter F can in no way be identified as the sound U (V). However, the consonant F is written (later it became Latin F). Then the next letter O can no longer be “explained” as Theta! This is the letter O, it is a vowel sound! So, the Etruscologists see the letter F but they continiue ""to read"" this inscription as SUTHINA?! The logic is absent here. It is a mistake. Or... it is a... - see an epigraph to this article - "Historians are wrong, or they are lying. Tertium non datur." The devil is in the details.
to be continued
Fig. 37 Etruscan bronze vases and strainer with inscription MVOINA - ΣVOINA
Fig. 46 Etruscan trophies and modern sports prizes. The origin of the Goddess of Victory - Nike comes from... etruscan patera handle. In fact - "frying pan".
Fig. 51 Figurine of an Etruscan warrior and drawing from an old book