Sep 20, 2004 08:23
My mom called me this morning and was like "Its 6:30." I immediately got up and took a shower. I can't believe it. Its TOOOOO early. Thank god for energy drinks. Seriously. I'd probably fall asleep in both of my classes today.
In other news: Candace has the coolest mood icons EVER!!!
Well its time for me to do other things now (play catch up with my reading).
BTW: If anyone knows of any good forgotton realm books post them here (I am looking for a series of books I can buy right now or in the next couple of months so I don't have to wait 14 months for the NEXT book to come out)
BTW: I rented Kill Bill Volume 1 and Volume 2 and watched them both consecutively last night. They were both AWESOME!!!