Friends! LJ-ers! Countrymen Planet-beings!
Sorry I have not been on LJ much lately. I have been keeping up with my Friends page, though. I am was am working on a Downton Abbey/Avengers crossover, though it is a little stalled at present, due to a series of Life Challenges. (Apparently, in addition to the Life Challenges I knew about, my LJ account expired and my giraffe icon disappeared, too. So you are getting otters.)
1. Senior Dog Sunny underwent minor surgery to remove a giant oozing growth from her elbow. She seems fine.
2. That same day, the wall o' bookshelves in my dining room collapsed, causing some property damage, but no injury or loss of life. The timing was probably quite fortunate, as Sunny's bed was covered in falling debris, but she was still recovering at the vet's at the time.
3. Then, on Monday, this:
Pictured: a gentleman from My City's department of public safety, my car, and a tree. Fortunately, there was no loss of life in this incident, either, and the only injury was a minor glass cut to my finger while I was extracting my personal possessions from the wreckage of my car. The car, of course, is totaled--you can't really see it in this picture, but the whole area that is covered by the tree is smushed. To my surprise, I have been able to locate exactly one car for sale that I can fully pay for with my insurance payout--it's two years older than my old one, took three tries to start, and made several alarming noises during the test drive, but the roof has not been caved in by a tree, so it has that going for it. I'm hoping to get a bit of help from relatives to boost the budget a little bit and see if I can't get something that might at least be in good working order on the day of purchase..