Fuck this

Aug 15, 2005 21:09

oh fucking great so well ill start from the beginning umm well everything is in my room and has been fro years and by everything i mean like all the internet shit (the dsl, wireless hubs, server, routers, server printers, and all that other fun shit) And well as u all know my computer was morely fucked over now i am in debt for another 500 because it wasnt under warrenty. So well i havent had it for about 5 days and well yesturday being sunday for some odd reason my router broke and the wireless hub(airport) stopped working so well because everything is in my room it has to be my fault right. Wrong! So well i go out today and buy another router for 75 bucks. And well i hook it all up set up everything u know hook up all the ports. And got everything working. So now heres the catch i have this shitty ass desktop that i have been using in place of the laptop and well it likes to catch on fire randemly. And well it runs on Mac OS 8 and well aparently mac os 8 isnt capatable with this new router. So im like fuck. So well it sucks now like i have use the downstairs computer which used to be mine until i gave it to my mom. And well so now i cant do shit because she alwayse goes rip when i use it even though i gave it to her. So well now the only computer that i have is my old laptop which i gave to my brother and well i have to put it back before he gets home or do i So well that sucks. Today sucked i spent like 5 hours at the hospital getting blood work done and being touched by a doctor basterd. Well so hopefully i will get my G4 Laptop back soon yeah that would be nice. tomorrow i am probally going to go out and get like a 5 port swich so i can directly hook up to the dsl and not disconect the router. Dont know how i am going to convence the mom to let me get that. Ahh what is happening with this fucked up world. Just as everything begins to get better life just has to turn around and kick u in the ass! AHHH FUCK i am now back into the thousands in debt god dammit how the hell is that bracelet going to ever come off. Cries --hides under blanket--
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