Jun 05, 2005 11:20
So, the thursday started off pretty normal, we had to walk 8 laps in half an hour and me and dustin were chugging lol to say the least, but we made it. now we dont hav to do that anymore, that was like our final exam lol. i then went to chem and well, thats when the fun started lol! we were sitting in the class, playing cards and listening to mr meyers talk and then suddenly i notice the desks are in one corner, it was a prank played by mrs ruschop(i dont think i spelled that correctly, the biology teacher). so mr meyer tld us to get up and go play a prank on her classroom. so we went there and we moved all the desks and flipped em and pushed em to the back of the room and moved everything around, jus messsed it up lol. then we were walking back and cleophus jumps on me and i fall down and he like flies over me lol and then nico tries and his watch hits me in the mouth and it cuts my lip kinda, i was fine. wat a fun period. then i went to newspaper and we did nothing at all of course, i had to take a pic of josh for the paper. i got into block next period and the war had already started lol water war. kyle, carleigh, jeff, me, nelson and others put holes in our water bottles and spray ppl. this all started when jeff sprayed me and then nelson got him back. we were planning to hav a lil water war after class. mrs wright took our water bottles cause she didnt feel "safe" and put em on her desk. on thing led to another and somebody had gotten someone with water and war broke out. nelson got a water bottle and so did mrs wright and they went at it, in the end, they were both soaked, but mrs wright was more wet than he was!!!!! it was GREAT!!!!!!!!!!!!! It was a great day!!! soooo much fun