Feb 03, 2004 14:45
Well...A wonderful snow day today, um except it's not snowing...it's not really anything :-/ lol. so I decided to make one of these so you guys can read about my boring life. This past weekend, definetley one of the best weekends of my life! Friday after school I got dropped off @ Bek's, then me Andrew D, and her brother Stephen went to pick her up from dance...and we chilled around the house for a while, then we joined Ben and Brett at the movies...that's all I'm saying about that night! haha it was a fun one...Then on Saturday, we slept until about 11, and then went to her dance class, and came home and ordered pizza. After that we had a fun night at the Ground Floor...goodness..I swear I can't get enough of that place, it's addicting! and of course I met up with my sister and Alison,and all of us just had a blast. Bek almost falling off the booth because of the moshers...def. one of the best events haha. We hit up Wal*Mart after that, played hide n seek for about an hour or more...and got some coffee...HOW ABOUT WE LEARN TO MAKE COFFEE KIDS?!?!? jeez! but yup, and on Sunday I went to church, and went home to spend time with the rents, and Josh and Dev n the sisters, uncles n cousins! It's funny...you can have 2 awesome days, and the rest just all go downhill...I wrote Eric a note yesterday(For those of you that don't know, please don't ask...too complicated) told him I didn't want to like him, and put myself through that crap...I mean c'mon! how are you gonna lead me on when you have a girlfriend?! Major turnoff...just still can't seem to get my mind off of him. And then I start thinking about Matt...wondering if I should just stop thinking and give it a chance...but hey...you know me...I always find a way to mess things up for myself or other people...cuz im a "drama queen". Hm, oh well. Hopefully this weekend will rock, to make up for the week. Spending friday night with matt, whit, and andrew...and spending the night with whit...then going to the groundfloor with everyone..and having a girls night afterwards with Cait Whit n Bek...Oh how i've missed my Cait...well that's it for now...write later.